At KOA campground in Maine
We spent two nights at the KOA campground in Mount Desert Island (they have Airstreams to stay in!!), had a delish lobster dinner with friends (with s'mores for dessert!), and drove around the island admiring the sights. Got a fair amount of work and school done too, thanks to the great internet connection at KOA.

Taking a break on our way to Canada

Mount Katahdin in Maine
We could have spent a lot longer there, and will definitely return to explore the Acadia National Park, but Prince Edward Island was calling us... So we packed up again, and continued our trip. We had to make a little detour to Bangor (to pick up the passports a friend FedEx'ed to us since we were originally just going to Portland, Maine..), so we actually didn't make it to PEI until today.

Fortunately the campground we stopped at in Fredericton, New Brunswick, had a great pool area. This morning's Physical Education was swimming ;-)

It was an hour well spent, although that water was freezing!! Pool was not heated, and it was cold last night - probably low 50's!! Brrrrr!!!!!!

We had a good drive to Prince Edward Island today. Enjoyed the scenery (similarities to Finland!), the smooth drive & the comforts of our home on wheels. Got some roadschooling in too! The Confederation Bridge over to PEI was quite impressive, also - and a bit scary!

I hope to download photos from our camera to Flickr one of these days to make into slideshows of various places visited, but for now all I have handy are these iPhone pics. And only two from Prince Edward Island. Beautiful rolling hills, fields, forests and lakes, and then the ocean.. Breathtaking!! Hoping for a day of driving around and enjoying PEI tomorrow!!

If we get up in the morning, that is... Even Little Miss is still awake, watching Anne of Green Gables...
Lauantaiaamulla lähdimme sukulaisten luokse Portland, Maineen. Parin päivän pikareissusta tulikin kunnon asuntoautoseikkailu! Sunnuntaina lähdimme ajamaan pohjoiseen, ja vietimme kaksi yötä Acadia National Park'in vieressä Mount Desert Island'illa. Eilen lähdimme ajamaan kohti Kanadaa, ja tänään pääsimme perille Prinssi Edwardin saarelle. Niin kauniita paikkoja molemmat, pohjoinen Maine, Kanada ja PEI-saari... Ihan tulee rakas Suomi mieleen!