Back in New England we have a favorite neighborhood farm with farm animals, ice cream, corn maze, and in the Autumn: pumpkins and Fall festivals. So when I heard about
Hunsader Farms and their
Fall Festival, I immediately thought of our little, cozy, friendly farm and was so ready to go.
As we approached Hunsader Farms, it started to become clear this was no cute little smallville fair. There were cars. And lines. And fields of cars. A line to park. A line to get in. And people. Lots and lots of people. Rows of port-a-potties. A part of me wanted to turn around and head to New England for pumpkins. Or at least back to the beach to go swimming!

But onward we pressed. In the blazing sunshine and heat, with no cool ocean breeze. Pumpkin cannon, corn cannons. Trapeze swings, food, games, hay rides, radio-controlled airplanes, antique cars, games, food, motorcycle thrills, vendors and more food. Not that
we did all that, but some, and it sure was fun to walk around, to watch, and to enjoy a hot dog or a shaved ice.
A couple of highlights:

Little Miss' first circus, and the second time for the big kids. Small, yet pretty impressive! At least for the kids :)

And the pony ride. A long anticipated, yet a bit feared. See - mommy couldn't climb on the pony with Little Miss ;-) Yesterday she was brave enough to have a pony ride! Yay Little Miss!!
(At the end of the day we were hot and dirty and needed a swim even before the shower. Then slept well. Really well.)
Kun kuulin paikallisesta kurpitsafestarista, ihan kuvittelin meidän Uuden Englannin pikkuruisen naapuristofarmin jäätelöineen, maissipeltoineen ja eläimineen, ja pakkohan sinne oli mennä - vähän niin kuin kotikonnuilla pohjoisessa. Mutta ehei: tämä festivaali olikin ihan toista laitaa - lapset taisivat verrata sitä Disney Worldiin ;-) Autoa, porukkaa, jonoja, porukkaa!! Silti, kivaa oli, vaikkei meidän lapset ihan kaikkea saaneetkaan kokea. Pieni sirkus ja Pikkuneidin poniajelu taisivat olla päivän kohokohtia, sekä takaisintullessa meriuinti jopa ennen suihkussa käyntiä :)