Sorry to leave everyone hanging on Sunday. We were able to charge our battery enough to drive to a nearby RV park called Spanish Main RV Park. Had a restful night there sleeping in the Mothership.
Clean bathrooms and showers too!
Monday and Tuesday were spent driving here and there, combined with my migraine that at times felt under control, and at times... not. We left the Mothership at Camping World and had the battery issues addressed. It has been so nice to have a car this time! Last year when the water pump needed to be replaced, we all (7 of us!) sat in the small waiting room for about 2 hours.

While the Captain was settling in his office, I took the kids to the library. Our big kids are such bookworms they didn't want to leave, so that was an easy way to spend the afternoon on Monday. Little Miss got a little restless, but after reading books and drawing pictures we took a walk outside the library.

Tuesday morning was spent at a hotel pool, and also in the hotel room working on school. We picked up Captain from his office and drove to St. Pete for the afternoon. Weren't really prepared to go to the beach, but soaked our toes (warm water!) and vowed to come back. Soon.

Today we woke up at Sanlan RV Park. My head is feeling better than last night, but fragile, so the kids and I decided to spend the day here. The boys have been working on school (and taking nice breaks!) and Little Miss helped me do laundry at the park laundry facilities
(first laundry since leaving home!). The cost: $2 a load to wash, $0.75 to dry (but took 2 runs to dry even medium size loads), and we had two loads. A little over an hour later laundry was clean.
(And I have the boys already wearing bathing suits during the day :)
The boys are almost done with school and we may head to the pool. Even though we've had school and work to do, being in the Mothership makes it feel like a vacation. What day is it again??
Oh, and looks like we found a home base for ourselves here in Florida! More on that later...
Sunnuntaina saimme ladattua Mothership'in akkua sen verran että saimme ajettua läheiselle leirintäalueelle. Maanantaina ja tiistaina asuntoautomme akku korjattiin, joten me suuntasimme yöksi hotelliin. Kapteenin on pitänyt viettää aikaa toimistossa, joten olen lasten kanssa viettänyt aikaa kirjastossa, hotellissa kotikoulua käyden ja uiden uima-altaassa. Valitettavasti kaamea migreeni on vaivannut viimeiset pari päivää, joten se on rajoittanut meidän ohjelmaa jonkin verran.
Eilen kävimme pikaisesti St. Pete'n kaupungissa länsirannikolla, ja totesimme että niille rannoille pian takaisin! Nyt olemme leirintäalueella, sain pyykit pestyä ja pojat tekevät koulutehtäviään. Kohta uimaan! Niin, ja näyttää siltä että löysimme kodin itsellemme täältä, lisää siitä myöhemmin...