Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Adventures/Uudet seikkailut


We are leaving Maine this week. My To-Do list (and the Honey-To-Do list) is long.


We are organizing our belongings (well, not the ones in my in-law's basement, which would be most of our earthly belongings), but the ones we've needed/accumulated this Fall, packing up for our next adventure, and cleaning out our rental house where we've lived for the past two months.


I am cleaning and organizing our Mothership RV, which includes cleaning mouse droppings from kitchen drawers (aren't you glad I didn't take photos of that mess?!?), washing everything in the RV kitchen, cleaning the fridge from an exploded coke can (didn't get to it yet), and bringing in new and clean supplies. We need to find a spot for all this stuff we won't be bringing South with us.


The Captain's family agreed to an early Thanksgiving this weekend, so I am hoping we'll have time to bake some pies too, this week.


But there is one more item on my To-Do list, which I started today: taking 7th grade (and Kindergarten) homeschool photos on the shore of our favorite Maine lake before we leave on our adventures. Here is Mr. T, my first victim subject.


Lähdemme matkaan tällä viikolla. On aika lähteä Mainen osavaltiosta etelää kohti. Tekemisen puutetta ei ole, meidän pitää muuttaa pois vuokrakodista, organisoida asuntoauto, ja pakata tarvittavat kamat mukaan, sekä valmistella aikaista Kiitospäivää varten (ainakin leipoa piirakoita). Sekä yksi tärkeä tehtävä: haluan ottaa 7. luokkalaisten (sekä yhden eskarilaisen) kotikoulukuvat täällä järven rannalla ennen lähtöä. Tänään aloitin Mr. T: kanssa. Ihanaa vaihtelua työn keskelle, tänään jouduin mm. siivoamaan hiirenkakkaa asuntoauton keittiön laatikoista, ugh.


  1. Oh, no! Leaving?! Well, I suppose it is warmer and less snowier in the south! LOL Won't you miss it? ;) Love the last photo!

  2. Jessy, we will SO miss Maine!! Good news is we'll only be gone about two months, we'll be back for the snow, lol.

  3. What a nice looking young man! I love the frame idea. I may have to borrow that one.

  4. I really love the idea of using the frame in the pictures! Pies early sounds good to me.

    Thank you for commenting on Alison's post.

  5. Ihania kuvia:) Ja mrT ei ole enää pikkupoika, ihan selvästi jo nuoren miehen oloinen kuvissa! Varmaan ihanaa ja haikeaa kun lapset tulee murrosikään.
    Siunattua matkaa!

  6. Todella kivoja kuvia! :)

    Ugh hiirenkakalle :(

    Hyvää viikon jatkoa!

  7. Aivan mahtavia "koulukuvia"!!! Ihana idea tuo iso kehys.

    Hiirenkakka ei kuulosta kivalta..

    Vaan onnistunutta matkaa etelään!

  8. Sharron, I can't remember where I saw the frame idea, but it was on a blog. It worked out well, I thought :)

    JD4's Mom, I think we'll end up having two Thanksgivings this year - works for us :)

    S - juuri näin, nyyh. Kiitos!

    Nurkkalintu, samat sanat:)

    Kiitos, mizyena! Hiirenkakka, osa 2, jatkuu tänään.. Ugh!

  9. What a handsome guy! ...And I don't know how you could take enough pictures of that lake. So beautiful!

  10. LOVE these!!! Can't wait to see the rest! Better hurry or you might be taking pics in the snow! :-)

    I love the one with the glasses...what a personality! LOL!

  11. Wow, you all know how to have an adventure! Great pics!

  12. What a great pics of your guy! Love the frame idea!

  13. Just found your blog via the Homeschool Hop. Good to read about newish home educators with older children.

  14. I know, Anna!!! The lake in its God-created beauty gives me peace & strength & so do the photos of it.. I know I'll need all that in our travels the next 2 months :)

    Thank you, Linda! I meant to photograph the girls today, but by the time we were done (4:30ish) it was too dark.. Hopefully tomorrow!

    Kristie, sometimes a bit too much of adventure, lol. It's true!! We can't wait to move into our new (rebuilt)house & have a dull life :-D

    Thank you, Lexi! Mr. T can be a bit of a ham, which makes it fun to take pictures of him :)

    SarahElisabeth - HHH is great!! I'll be coming over to visit tonight.
