We started out in Maine, leaving our "almost ready" camp on May 17th. We were in a hurry to catch a ferry (the Captain, of course) and a plane (my mom), so leaving a couple hours later than planned was not a fun way to start the trip. We also had one of us fall down stairs and hurt their knees, one threw up in the car, and a flight was canceled! It was all figured out, and everyone got to go where they were supposed to, and we even briefly saw the Captain's family on our way down as we made a short pit stop.
While the Captain spent the weekend on Nantucket Island, the kids and I visited with (some of our) friends all weekend long in New Hampshire (not enough time to see everyone, sadly). We even drove down Memory Lane to pass by our old home, and while it was bittersweet, it didn't produce all the waterworks that were expected. We loved our visit(s) to
Beech Hill Farm, our favorite New Hampshire hang-out place!
And on Monday our crew flew to Florida, back to our beloved Mothership Airstream RV. Our flight down went well, and the RV had survived the winter months nicely. The Captain washed the dust off, and he and Missy ended up cleaning the fridge/freezer, also. We had left some food in the freezer as the RV was plugged in the whole time, but somehow the freezer had stopped working, and the stench of spoiled food was so horrid it activated my gagging reflex. We had a late night, but we were able to get settled at a campground for the night after cleaning, making beds and grocery shopping.
Today we did our usual Florida first-full-day-errands, but after it all we took a refreshing dip in the campground pool. It is so nice to be back in Florida! Weather forecast: sunny and warm:)
Lähdimme melkein viikko sitten reissuun, jättäen Mainen taaksemme. Kapteeni meni viikonlopuksi Nantucketin saarelle, äitini lensi takaisin siskoni luokse, ja me muut vietimme viikonlopun New Hampshiressä ystävien luona. Torstain matka oli ihan kaamea: lähdimme pari tuntia myöhässä reissuun, yksi lensi kirjaston portaat alas (viime tingan kirjojen palautusta) ja satutti polvensa, yksi oksensi autossa, ja äitini lento oli vielä peruttu kaiken huipuksi. Mutta kaikki kuitenkin pääsivät minne piti, ja kaikki oli hyvin. Matkalla jopa pysähdyimme Kapteenin vanhempien ja siskon luona pikaisella pysäkillä.
Eilen lensimme Floridaan, ja tällä hetkellä majailemme asuntoautossa leirintäalueella. Päivä meni aika lailla hoitaen juoksevia asioita, mutta illalla menimme kaikki uimaan leirintäalueen uima-altaaseen. Pyykkiäkin sain pestä:) Kiva olla takaisin Floridassa! Sääennuste on lämmintä ja aurinkoista:)