Wow, what a night! Such devastation in New York, New Jersey, and other areas. Very sad. We hope all you readers and your loved ones are safe. Scary. My sister and her family are perfectly fine, thank you all for your prayers and well wishes!
As the winds picked up even inland Maine last night, we sure were glad to be in our warm house, not in our tin can (aka Mothership). We lost power fairly early in the evening, but the generator kicked in, and is still humming along. We are among the many without power, still, as I type this.
We had gusts of wind over 60 mph, which was wild to listen to. Our vinyl screen windows on the porch kept being blown in, letting rain in. At first we tried to prop them closed, but soon realized it was not going to work. The Captain and our boys carried all furniture and rugs into our living room, and if/when the windows opened up, there was nothing to get ruined.
Just mopping to do this morning. And quite a jungle of furniture in our living room:)
Since the generator kept us supplied with coffee, water, heat, some electricity and even internet, we homeschooled on all morning.
As soon as the rain let up some, Little Miss and I decided to go out to assess any damage.
What we saw was quite amazing. Trees down left and right - yet none on our buildings or vehicles - thank you, God!!! And the trees were each facing different directions, perfectly away.
One tree had fallen on our neighbor's garage, but there doesn't appear to be any structural damage. Their power lines are down, also, but these neighbors have already left for the winter.
This big tree could have fallen the same direction as the one in the first picture, and if it had, it would have crushed one of our buildings. Instead, it fell sideways, hitting nothing, but other trees.
And this one on our neighbors' property could have hit our little cabin. We are so thankful it didn't.
We walked up our road, a little ways, and saw more damage. Such a mess in the woods, and a road nearby completely blocked by a tree. The tree was resting on power lines, which could explain the power outage.
Praying for all rescue workers and linemen as they work to restore our country. Heavy rain, thunder and lightning now here, and more promised for tomorrow.
Tässä näitä myrskykuvia meidän nurkilta. Paljon puita kaatunut, mutta ihmeen kautta (kiitos, Jeesus!!!) yksikään ei kaatunut meidän rakennusten tai autojen päälle. Naapureilla yksi puu nojaa heidän autotalliaan vasten, muttei näytä olevan vahinkoja rakennuksessa. En tosin kovin läheltä käynyt katsomassa, koska heidän pihassa oli sähköverkkoa (johtoa?) maassa. Nämä naapurit ovat täällä vain kesällä, eli talo on tyhjillään. Sähköt meiltäkin meni poikki eilen illalla, ja edelleen ovat poikki. Generaattorin avulla saamme kahvia, lämmintä vettä ja tietokoneeseen sähköt, netin kanssa:)
Kuistin huonekalut piti tuoda eilen olohuoneeseen sisälle, kun muoviset ikkunat eivät kestäneet niin kovia tuulenpuuskia. Aamulla pitikin alkaa moppailemaan kuistin lattiaa, ja yrittää löytää 'kuja' olohuoneen läpi huonekalujen täyttäessä koko huoneen. Nyt illalla vielä huomasin, ettei uuniin tule kunnolla sähköt, mutta löytyi keinot mikron avulla saada iltaruoka pöytään:)
Hurjia kuvia muualta Usasta tämän hirmumyrskyn jäljiltä... Pientä kuitenkin nämä meidän 'harmit' täällä.