The highlight of our visit to Key West was definitely our experience with schooner Hindu. Such a stunningly beautiful old wooden boat, this schooner is a 79-foot (length overall) half-scale model of a 19th century Grand Banks fishing vessel.
She was built by the Hodgdon Bros. in Maine in 1925, and first named Princess Pat, for James W. Hall from New York City. The boat changed names and hands many times, but after being used to trade spices between India and United States 1938-1940, she was named Hindu. During World War II Hindu assisted U.S. Navy Coastal Patrol along the Eastern Seaboard, and even engaged a German U-boat more than once. (More history here and here.)
Sadly, Hindu fell into disrepair, but in the last two years she has been going through major restoration process. You can see photos and read more about the restoration process on their website.
We really enjoyed meeting her crew Cheyenne Dutcher, and Josh and Bonnie Rowan, who own an Airstream motorhome like ours, pictured on our Thanksgiving card.
Our first night in Key West we sailed Hindu on their Sunset Sail.
Well, to be perfectly honest, land-lubber mama had some alone time in the Mothership, and may or may not have had some Key Lime Pie for dinner. But who knows? There was no one else there and she is not telling.
What a perfect night. For all.
On your next trip to Key West, make sure to find Hindu, and say hi. Better yet, go on a sail - you won't regret it - next time even this mama is planning to go:)
Visit their website for more details, and if you are a homeschooling family, ask Josh about his homeschooling days. Once he lost his homework because their boat sank. True story, but you'll have to ask him for more!
Key Westin kohokohta meidän perheelle oli vanha puinen laiva Hindu. Jos olet koskaan Floridassa, ja Key Westin saarella, suosittelemme purjehdusta Hindulla. Minä tosin jäin asuntoautoon illaksi yksin (!) mahdollisesti syömään Key Lime-piirakkaa, mutta ensi kerralla minäkin menen mukaan. Ylläolevasta tekstistä ja linkeistä löytyy historiaa ja kuvia meidän purjehduksesta, sekä heidän nettisivuilta laivan korjausprojekista, englanniksi.