Today after breakfast Linda, our guide, picked us up with our driver, and took us to Beijing airport. It was time to fly to our daughter's province to meet her.

If you look carefully, you might see a rainbow in the picture above. Very faint, and I pretty much missed it with my camera, but I looked out and down the window, and spotted it! A rainbow below us! The rainbow to us is a sign of God's promises, and I loved the reminder as we step out in faith to adopt another little girl.

Arriving in Wuhan.

We were concerned about the flooding in Wuhan, but as you can see in the above photo, we didn't have to worry about it. We saw some puddles, that's all. (Thank You, God!)
We didn't meet our province guide yet, but was picked up and brought to our hotel in Wuhan.

Walking into the room the first thing we saw was a crib for Mei Mei! This is becoming very real, here. What is wonderful is Little Miss becoming excited again, too. She has wished for a little sister, but lately has had her doubts about it.
Tomorrow is the day! We were told to come down to lobby at 2:30 pm, and we assume we will drive to an government office where we will meet Mei Mei.

Our driver pointed a restaurant near the hotel for dinner, and we liked the recommendation very much. The food here in China has been so so amazing!!! Good thing we walk so much and sweat so much, otherwise our clothes would get too tight quick ;-)

After dinner there was thunder, lightning and rain, so I quickly snapped a few shots, and we rushed back to the hotel.

Mr A caught this lightning shot from our hotel room! We have quite the view...
Tomorrow is a big day, so we are ready to turn in. If you think of us, please pray all goes well, and for Mei Mei's heart to be prepared. Thank you! We will update when we can!
Kaikki hyvin Wuhanissa. Ei tulvia, lätäköitä vain...?? Huoneessa on jo pieni sänky Mei Meille!! Olemme kovin innoissamme, myös Pikkuneiti, joka kyllä pyysi pikkusiskoa, mutta viime aikoina ei ole ollut kovin varma enää...
Huomenna treffaamne paikallisen oppaamme ensi kerran 14:30 (joku muu haku meidät kentältä...), ja ehkä sitten menemme hakemaan Mei Meitä...??
Kävimme syömässä illalla hotellin lähellä, ja takaisin tullessa oli kova ukkosmyrsky. Mr A sai otettua yhden salamakuvan hotellihuoneemme ikkunasta.
Nyt nukkumaan. Huomenna on tärkeä päivä. Kiitos esirukouksistanne!! Laitamme päivitystä, heti kun vaan pystymme.