We got back to the beach yesterday, and quickly unloaded the car so we could head to the beach to play and watch the sunset. I love watching our kids at the beach, they are skipping (not walking), they are smiling & humming as they play. What a happy feeling!

They even posed for me!! (Of course, I won't add the one where Brother T punched Brother A and Brother A went after Brother T...)

I am happy here too!

This morning's walk was spectacular, as always. What a great way to start the day!

We actually had a really busy day today. I think today's theme was making friends. I met a wonderful local lady in the morning, and by lunch felt like we were close friends. And in the afternoon we joined a local homeschooling weekly beach date and made more friends! (BloggerMama here is quite embarrassed and shocked we didn't take a single photo on that outing.. We were just too busy to socialize!!) On our after dinner beach walk the kids made another friend also. All this was after getting in a full day of homeschooling, including an art hour for the girls!

Yes, we live and breathe the beach (including the sand, cough cough).
Tulimme takaisin tänne rannalle eilen. Rakastamme olla täällä! Meri ja ranta vetää puoleensa ainakin kolme kertaa päivässä, ihana kun on kävelymatkan päässä! Tänään meillä oli tiivis päivä, kotikoulun jälkeen menimme paikallisen kotikouluryhmän kanssa rannalle pariksi tunniksi, saaden uusia ystäviä ja paljon kaivattua aikaa saman ikäisten lasten kanssa. Illalla lähdimme taas kävelylle katsomaan auringonlaskua ja leikkimään rannalle. Ihana paikka!
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