Saturday, March 5, 2011

Romantic Get-Away/Romanttinen reissu

The Captain and I had an unexpected opportunity for a romantic get-away this week. Our awesome babysitter was available at a moment's notice to stay two nights at our house, so we packed our stuff and escaped to Northern Maine for three days!

Along with my in-laws, grandmother-in-law and the Captain's uncle and aunt from California ;-)
The real honeymooners, however, were the Captain's parents: my mother-in-law shared a bed with my grandmother-in-law, while my father-in-law slept on a cot in the same room :-D
(Nanny is elderly, and needs some assistance, but we all thought she was such a trooper to come on this trip!)

There is no shortage of snow in Maine! Take a step off the trail and sink in. We even had to dig snowmobiles out a couple of times... It was cold too: twenty below at night, brrr!!!!

But the snowmobiling is unbelievable up North. Look at the size of this groomer next to the Captain's sled. And yes, the trails really are this wide.

And the scenery: so gorgeous my fingers might have gotten mild frostbite as I kept snapping pictures with my iPhone (doesn't work with gloves on).

The negatives? You count the time your car stays clean in minutes - not in days.


Kapteenilla ja minulla oli mahdollisuus lähteä kahdeksi yöksi romanttiselle reissulle, kun yllättäen löytyi vapaa lastenhoitaja. Lähdimme pohjois-Maineen viettämään laatuaikaa toistemme kanssa, sekä appivanhempien, isoäidin ja sedän ja tädin kanssa :-) Kapteenin vanhemmat vasta kuherruskuukautta viettivätkin: he olivat samassa huoneessa isoäidin kanssa!

Moottorikelkkailimme kolmena päivänä ja kerran Kapteenin kanssa kävimme lumikenkäilemässä myös. Lunta riitti, ja pakkasta myös: öisin lähes -30 C ja päivälläkin ainakin kymmenen pakkasastetta tuulen kanssa. Kylmyydestä (ja seurasta, heh heh) huolimatta meillä oli mahtava reissu!


  1. Your homeschooling and travel adventures are very cool. I just started a new blog hop called "I Saw it on Vacation". Hopefully it will become a fun geography resource for homeschoolers. Since your blog has lots of posts about different areas maybe you would interested in linking up?

  2. Thanks, jmommymom! I'll check it out.
