Thursday, July 14, 2011

Great Point

Even though the best area of Great Point was closed again, this year, like it was last year too, we took a trip there yesterday. Usually you can drive all the way to the most Northern tip of the island past the lighthouse, but apparently the beach was closed due to nesting piping plovers.

Maybe just as well. There had been a great white shark sighting off Great Point last week, so we decided we'd rather not be shark bait.

What fun!! Eating, swimming (very close to the shore), boogie boarding (very close to the shore), water fights, resting, reading, collecting rocks and shells, building castles and digging holes. We didn't spot any sharks, but saw a few seals swimming by.

Filling the tires again after letting off air before driving on the sand. Great Point was great. To a point. As the Captain would say ;-)


Eilinen seikkailu saarella oli Great Point-rannalle, saaren pohjoisimpaan osaan. Paras alue, niemen pää, oli taas suljettu (kuten viime vuonna) lintujen pesimisen takia, eli harmi kyllä emme päässeet edes majakalle asti. Mutta ihan kiva rantakeikka oli puolessa välissäkin. Viime viikolla oli nähty valkohai saaren päässä, joten ehkä ihan hyvä ettemme sinne asti menneet. Ja tosi varovasti kaikki uivatkin, ihan rannan lähellä. Hylkeitä näimme, mutta onneksi emme niitä haita :)

Viimeisessä kuvassa isoisä lisää ilmaa renkaisiin, ennen kuin ajoimme hiekalla piti päästää ilmaan renkaista pois. Olen ihan kiitollinen ettei minun yleensä tarvitse ajaa näillä rannoilla tai kapeilla saaren teillä, mutta toki osaan ja pystyn, jos pakko.


  1. Kauniita hetkiä ikuistettuna =)

  2. Haha! Cute ending. ;-)

    But bummer about it being closed! Plovers, scholvers... gotta see the lighthouse once a year?!

  3. Kiitos, Tiia!

    Saina, I agree!! Such a bummer. The paper said they might open at the end of the month, so we might try again when we get back.

  4. ACK! Shark sighting? Way North?! In shallow water? eep

    Okay, enough of me there. Hehe... I like all the, "close to shore" comments there. :) Glad you all had fun still!

  5. So crazy, Dee!! When we first started coming to Nantucket you'd never see seals, but now there are a ton of them, which brings the great whites as well.. Scary!

  6. Beautiful photos!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and following. I'm following you now and looking forward to reading about your families adventures.

  7. Thank you, Serena! The Hop is great - I really enjoyed discovering your blog. Thanks so stopping by mine!

  8. Would have loved to have joined forces with boys, blogs, kids and family while you were here!

    Glad to find you!

  9. Aspen Real Life, I hope you got my comment on your blog. Maybe we'll bump into each other next week :)
