Sunday, July 17, 2011

This Week In NH/Tämä viikko New Hampshiressä

This week is going to be so strange! We dropped our four older kids off at camp today, and returned to a very quiet house with just Little Miss.

Our four have already been away to camp for the last two summers, and spent a weekend at this particular camp this winter. They have each other, and we had planned for two friends to be there this week. Today we also counted four other friends they know from their old school or church!

I know they all will have such a wonderful time, and might not even remember their parents and little sister this week. There is so much to do at camp, and they will enjoy being with their friends too.

It's the mama again, who will do all the missing. And Little Miss & the Captain, too. It will be a strange, quiet week, that's for sure.

But Saturday will be here in no time. And with it, four loads of dirty laundry, all the noise and laughter, too :)

Sunday Snapshot

Hip Homeschool Hop Button

I am linking this post to Stefanie's Sunday Snapshot & Hip Homeschool Hop.


Veimme koululaiset tänään viikon kesäleirille, ja palasimme Pikkuneidin kanssa tyhjään hiljaiseen taloon. Tästä viikosta tulee outo ilman koululaisiamme! Mutta isoilla lapsilla tulee olemaan hauskaa, tämä on jo kolmas leirikesä heille, ja talvella he olivat juuri tässä leiripaikassa viikonlopun. Lisäksi kaksi heidän ystävistään tulivat samalle leirille, ja perillä törmäsimme myös kolmeen vanhaan ystävään edellisestä koulusta (ja kirkosta)! Koululaiset tulevat tuskin muistamaan vanhempiaan ja pikkusiskoaan, heillä tulee olemaan niin kiva leiri, näin uskomme. Minun on heitä jo nyt ikävä, ja Pikkuneiti ja Kapteeni tulevat ikävöimään nelosia myös.

Mutta lauantai tulee kuitenkin oikein pian. Ja sen myötä neljä isoa kasaa pyykkiä, melua ja naurua taasen :)


  1. What a creative idea for a blog--the "mothership"--I love it! Sounds like there's never a dull moment in your family! :)

  2. How bout that camp site looks exactly like the camp in "Parent Trap!"

  3. Thank you, Sadee :) Well, the dull moments are highly cherished :-D

    Anna, I didn't realize that! We should check if our library has that movie :)

  4. Too funny, I read a comment above that said similar to what I was thinking... Parent Trap:) Summer camp with friends... sounds like a wonderful time!
    I had fun catching up on your busy summer, thanks for sharing your adventures!

  5. Anna & Gayly, which version? Isn't there an old one and a new one? I'm really curious now :)

  6. I sent just one to camp this year and the house is so much more quiet! You would think with four others we wouldn't notice, but we do. Enjoy your time with just little sister.

  7. So cool! Glad you were able to send them! It's such a great place, and I'm so happy they had friends there already!

    Now, can you hear a pin drop in your house? :-) How's Little Miss doing without big sibs?

  8. MissMOE - I find that to be true, also! Even if you send the quietest off, you can really tell a difference.

    Saina, have you been to this place? Yes, quiet here, way too quiet. Little Miss & I have felt a bit lost. She seems quieter too :-/

  9. Wow, you have a cool life! First quadruplets, then adoption, then a mothership! Sounds fabulous!! We are hoping to adopt one day, so I will have to read your adoption tab. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with us Hip Homeschool Moms. Have a wonderful day!

  10. What wonderful adventures! The camp looks like fun! I'm sure they'll have a great time.
    Have a blessed day,

  11. We sent our youngest boy to visit Grandma and Grandpa...and, boy, do I miss him! You'd think 3 other ones will keep me busy, but it's like part of you is not here.
    Enjoy your adventure! Sounds like you have lots of fun!

  12. What an incredible blog you have here, I am so excited to be able to share in your adventures! I love Airstreams!

  13. Thanks, Tammy :) God has blessed our family in many ways. Wonderful that you are thinking of adoption! If there is anything I can help with, don't hesitate to ask.

    Lisa, it really is a neat camp. I can't wait to hear from the kids how their week has been.

    Little Badgers Academy, I can totally relate!! Even one away makes a difference, let alone four :)

    Thank you, April! We love Airstreams too :)
