Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Heart/Kiitolllisena

After two weeks of camping out, the girls and I headed out to civilization (aka town of the closest Walmart - an hour drive, seriously). We had fun, and now have a stocked fridge and pantry.

We desperately needed to make the trip for more provisions, but a) the weather up here had been so beautiful last week I didn't want to spend the day in the car and shopping and b) at the camp we had no space for any food. Cooking, eating & cleaning up had been a major chore. We had been surviving on pizza, canned soup and sandwiches. Pretty much on paper plates, taking turns eating at the teeny RV table (while our camp is being rebuilt).

But as of last night, God provided. SO clearly. He arranged a house for us to rent. On our road. It takes about five minutes to walk from this house to our camp. This house is large enough for our family, everyone actually has a real bed. We have a kitchen! We have a dining room table big enough to seat all seven of us, a living room, a bath tub, laundry. And as of tonight, hot water and heat too.

God is good. All the time. (And this mama is so thankful.)


Kiitollisin mielin kirjoitan, että kaksi viikkoa leirielämää on vihdoin päättynyt. Taivaan Isä järjesti meille ison vuokrakodin samalta tieltä, missä meidän mökkimme on. Kapteeni voi kävellä aamuisin työmaalle seuraamaan mökin uudelleen rakentamista, ja me muut voimme pitää kotikoulua ja normaalia arkea kauniissa, isossa, mukavassa talossa. Tänään tyttöjen kanssa jopa ajoimme viereiseen kaupunkiin supermarketiin (tunnin ajomatka) hakemaan ruokaa ja tarvikkeita - leiriarjessa kun elettiin paljon pizzan ja nakkien avulla.. Kiva reissu, ja tämä mama on kiitollinen kun sai taas toimivan ja mukavan pesän ympärilleen :)


  1. Some things are just meant to be! As nice as camping is having big beds and hot water must be really nice right now:)

  2. Oh, praise God! I am know that has got to be SUCH a relief...and that was probably the understatement of the year. ;)

  3. Jessica, the weather has turned cold too, I am SO thankful for this house :)

    Anna, yes. :-D

    Jessy, it is beyond awesome!!

  4. Hi! I tried e-mailing, but kept getting "error". ((shrug)) Anyway, no, no lighthouses tomorrow. I'm going to be shivering on the soccer sidelines for 4 hours tomorrow. It's soccer season! LOL You'll have a blast if you decide to go though! Lighthouses are beautiful!

  5. Four hours, Jessy!!! I'm sorry! Stay warm... Maybe it's a good thing we missed the cutoff for soccer registrations (and no one has asked me about it either, yay!). I have a feeling we won't make it, so need a day to chill + we do need to do some things around the camp..

  6. I'm so glad you found a good place to stay while waiting for the construction to be finished. We've never done anything like that, but the few things we have had done, stress me out to be here when the men are working. I have visions of some catastrophe and increasing dollar signs! I usually take the girls somwhere else. But you can't do that everyday! LOL

  7. Sharron, it was so bad. Now looking back I can't believe we lasted two weeks! So thankful for this rental.

  8. so thankful with you... especially now that the weather is getting cooler! God provides and he deserves our praises! Thanks for letting us praise him with you!!!

  9. jdavis2, boy our 2+ weeks or roughing out has made me sooo thankful! Even though we just had 3 days of no hot water it really didn't bother me too much, I was just so glad to be in a real house. Good lessons :)
