Monday, September 19, 2011

Two Lessons/Kaksi opetusta

We learned two things today while blueberry picking.

1) Going blueberry picking with boys is a whole different experience than with girls.

2) Never, ever, wear crocks to blueberry picking.

So now you know.

Linking this post to Hip Homeschool Hop!

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Opimme tänään kaksi uutta asiaa mustikkareissullamme.
1) Mustikkareissu poikien kanssa on ihan erilainen kokemus kuin tyttöjen kanssa. 2) Älä koskaan, koskaan mene mustikkaan crocs'it jalassa. Nyt tiedät sinäkin.


  1. Oh too funny!!! You have a beautiful family!

  2. That's great ... how wonderful that your kids get to experience blueberry picking! And I agree with Annie that you have a beautiful family! Visiting from HHH. Deb @

  3. Tulevaa kesää varten ostoslistalleni crocsit. Ja sitten ei muuta kuin mustikkaan! :D
    Kunpa talvi menisi sukkelaan ohi....

    Siunausta teille ja meille ensi kesään saakka! <3

  4. Blueberry picking looks like so much fun. Your daughter's picture is just too cute! :-) Glad everyone had a good time and I hope the rest of your week is blessed!

    Lisa :-)

  5. Haha, AWESOME! And is ANYTHING the same with boys? (learning that the hard, but fun way - haha!)

    Visiting you today from the HHH!

  6. Thank you, Deb <3

    Nurkkalintu, neidillä on edelleen purppuraiset kantapäät! Kiva täällä vuokrakodissa mattoineen, heh.

    Thank you, Lisa! Blessings <3

    Steph, so true, lol!!
