Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Up, Up And Away/Yläilmoissa


On Saturday we did something that made me tremble in my hiking boots. Literally and figuratively.


I don't like heights, and I don't like ski lifts.


We took the chair lift up to the top of the mountain. See the white knuckles, gripping the bar tightly?


What can I say? I needed to get foliage pictures for the blog. {You're welcome.}


It definitely was worth the lift ride to the top! Breathtaking!!


Especially since we made it up, alive. Including mama. Trembling legs and all.


But there was no way we were going to take the ski lift down. No way.


So we hiked down.


It was a long, long way. So long we almost wished we had taken the chair lift down.


See the miniscule building in the middle on the left? That's how far we still had to go. Our legs were jell-o, already. Going down is hard work!


The view was absolutely worth every aching muscle. I'd say it was peak foliage last weekend.


And we made it. All of us.

Headed straight for the car, drove home and crashed.

The End.

{Except our muscles are still hurting.}


Lauantaina suuntasimme suuren laskettelukeskuksen huipulle, tuolihissillä. Tällä mamalla on korkeanpaikankammo, eikä nämä lasketteluhissit auta asiaa ollenkaan. Mutta ylös mentiin, mamakin. Ja onneksi menimme - näköalat olivat ihan uskomattomat! 

Ei tullut kuuloonkaan, että olisimme menneet tuolihissillä alas (vatsasta kouraisee vieläkin, kun ajattelen asiaa), eli piti kävellä alas. Mikä oli pitkä, pitkä matka. Joka tuntuu jaloissa, vieläkin. Mutta onneksi menimme - upea reissu!


  1. Upeat nakoalat!
    But I would have been scared of the lift too! :D

  2. We have a lot in common I think! :) What beautiful views!

  3. Way to go Mama! It looks like it was totally worth it. The foliage, never seen anything like it.

  4. awesome! beautiful! fun! good for you!! :)

  5. Very nice. It's so good to see foliage too!

  6. Oh, I would be gripping that bar too! LOL You were VERY brave! Not sure I could do the same, but you did see a wonderful view!

  7. Thank you, ladies :) It was scary, but I would have regretted not going. Definitely worth the pain :-D

  8. beautiful. so thankful the whole family was able to get out and enjoy the seasonal scenery!

  9. jdavis2 - it was such a beautiful weekend! Today it's windy & stormy, and the foliage is definitely not peak anymore.

  10. I am right there with you on ski lifts. Have done it one time. Don't even like the closed gondolas. Yikes!

    OK, may sound weird, but what a beautiful picture of you white knuckles and all. Your smile certainly doesn't speak TERRIFIED!

    Thank you for your comment on my post. I always tense up a bit when I put those kinds of posts out there, but it has been in draft for MONTHS. And last night, it just came to fruition, to completeness and I HAD to hit publish.

    I will be praying specifically for what you mentioned. And by all means, PM me at cljjs (at) yahoo (dot) com if I can help in any way.

  11. Thank you, Linda!

    roomforatleastonemore, I wouldn't be surprised if God timed your post perfectly :) And thank you so much for praying and for your email addy!
