The Captain and I went to Phoenix, Arizona, on a business trip this month, and had a great time. We missed our kids, but they were in good hands back at our camp with our friends (Thanks so much, B&P!!!), and it's always wonderful to reconnect with your spouse without the distractions of children.
We didn't have a lot of time for exploring, but managed to go to Desert Botanical Gardens for an evening stroll and sunset. And thanks to Groupon, got two tickets for the price of one, yay! (One adult admission is regularly $18.)
Phoenix has had quite a bit of rain this spring, so the desert was surprisingly green! So stunningly beautiful. (Embarrassing tidbit: this was my first trip to Arizona, and my geography skills are a bit rustic. I didn't realize how far west we were until we sat on the plane, and I saw the map! Good thing we are homeschooling, so I can learn along:)
The cacti and various plants were so different, and we also spotted various wildlife. Can you spot anything in the two photos above? (My apologies for photo quality - I only had my iPhone.)
'Tree' hugging discouraged.
Wish our children had been there to learn along. Hopefully the RV Mothership will head west soon!
Such a romantic place to watch the famous Arizona sunset. We counted four weddings, and this one cute couple who didn't even realize their picture was taken and posted online.
Desert Botanical Gardens were the highlight of our trip to Phoenix. That, and the rooftop pool in the hotel. If you have a chance, definitely go tour the gardens!
Työreissulla Arizonaan Kapteeni ja minä vierailimme Phoenixin kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa. Aivan mahtava paikka! Neljännestä ja viidennestä kuvasta löytyy kaksi eläintä, jotka näimme kävelyllämme - löydätkö?
Luulen, että fiiliksesi ovat olleet samankaltaisia kuin omani 1988 kun Sydneyssä taivalsin kaktuspuistossa ja olimme siis matkalla kaksin mieheni kera. Awesome. On kiva vierailla uusissa paikoissa. Borta bra men hemma bäst.
ReplyDeleteJutta, näin on:) Ja harmi, me missattiin kaktuspuisto Sydneyssä.. Ens kerralla sitten!
ReplyDeleteOoh, so pretty!!
ReplyDeleteBethany, it really was...! Highlight, for sure!!
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