He drove, and drove, and drove...
And.. our trip. It's over. Sort of. For now.
We left St. Pete Friday evening, and while I fell asleep near Ocala**, the next morning I woke up in Georgia.
Saturday night we pulled into my sister's street (in Virginia) for a quick pit stop. But once the Captain stopped driving, he decided a good night's sleep was in order. So after (much needed) showers, great meals, and with clean laundry we started driving again Sunday morning.
Pretty close to midnight Sunday night I went to bed in Connecticut, and woke up in New Hampshire on Monday morning! The Captain had pulled into a state liquor store parking lot to catch a few winks, and that is where we woke up. What a way to start the week ;-)
On our last leg of the trip we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandpa wasn't there, but we visited with Grandma and Nanny, Aunt C, the cousins, and their visitors for a little while. We picked up our car, too, and I drove it back to our camp (with a stop at Sam's Club to pick up provisions).
** In Ocala, at a rest stop, a man knocked on my windshield. He showed us a picture of the Mothership - from two years ago!! He had admired our unusual rig at a campground, and was surprised to run into us, again. Pretty funny! So that's him in our collage above holding his phone:)
Kapteeni aloitti ajamisen Floridassa, eikä oikeastaan lopettanut, ennen kuin pääsimme perille asti pohjoiseen. Lähdimme perjantai-illalla, ja maanantai-illalla olimme omassa pihassa. Yhden yön nukuimme siskon luona Virginiassa, muuten tuli torkuttua siellä täällä tien vieressä. Aika rankka tapa matkustaa, mutta tulosta syntyi nopeasti:)
Kollaasin yläosassa oleva mies tuli koputtamaan ikkunaan yhdellä pysäkillä. Hän näytti puhelimestaan kuvaa asuntoautostamme kahden vuoden takaa - silloin oli nähnyt meidät leirintäalueella ja ottanut kuvan. Aika hauska oli 'törmätä' uudestaan!
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