Our two work weeks in Maine have come to an end. We got a lot done - not everything we had hoped, but a lot nevertheless.
(Having six out of seven family members taking turns being sick didn't help. And yes, I am aware of the statistics, and praying like crazy I don't get this cold everyone else has had.)
A few nights ago I had an errand to run into town, so I grabbed Mr A with his learner's permit, and Little Miss to photograph, as I knew the lupines were blooming. I had Mr A practice stopping several times so I could get out of the car to snap a shot. By the end of the drive he was really good at stopping quickly!:)
One of the jobs the kids had at the camp was to put a trampoline out in the water. Such a rough job!! I think everyone had a miserable time with this one {wink}.
(We look forward to August and getting on the trampoline, again!)
We are in a strange parenting phase right now. I am packing up a suitcase (below) for our trip to China, and have added diapers and formula in my bag, yet our boys took off on their own. They took our car, and off they went on adventures. Two flew Washington DC to attend camp, one flew to Florida to go on a mission's trip with our Florida youth group.
It was a very quiet day at our camp the next day....
Don't forget our project to fill a suitcase for New Day Foster Home!!
The Captain, our girls and I packed up the Mothership, and we are off again. Stay tuned for new blog posts on our summer adventures!
Siivousviikot Mainen mökillä päättyivät, ja taas lähdettiin matkaan. Pojat lähtivät autolla, ja kaksi suuntasivat lentäen leirille Washington DC:een, ja yksi lensi Floridaan, ja on lähdössä lähetystyöreissulle kirkkomme nuorten kanssa. Samalla minä pakkasin vaippoja ja korviketta Kiinan matkalaukkuun, on tämä vaan outo vaihe lasten kasvattamisessa...
Laitoin kuvia lupiineista, Mainen alkukesä on niin kaunis! Lapset laittoivat veteen trampoliinin myös, elokuussa sitten kunnolla kokeilemaan.
Seikkailut jatkuvat siis!