We were in Finland just as blueberries started to ripen. Yum! Mumma headed to the woods with some of the grandchildren to gather enough berries for a blueberry pie.

The forests in Finland are so beautiful.

Mei Mei learned to love blueberries in Finland.

I don't think Mei Mei saved any berries for pie, but fortunately there were other pickers, too.

The wild Finnish blueberry grows low, and not in bunches like in Maine fields.

Ummm, maybe the pie berries all were picked up by Mumma, and not by the helpers....

Yes, yes it was. Delicious. (We did find that the Finnish honey tasted stronger, so next time we'll use a little less than this recipe calls for.)
Tottahan sitä piti mustikassa käydä Suomessa ollessa! Kaunis on suomalainen metsä, ja suloisia pikkupoimijoita meillä oli mukana:) Piirakkakin maistui herkulliselta, tosin kävi ilmi, että suomalainen hunaja on voimakkaamman makuista, joten ensi kerralla sitä vähemmän kuin tässä reseptissä.