Monday, April 25, 2011

New Walk/Uusi kävelyreitti

After homeschool today Mr D and I decided to go for a walk together. The Captain had found out about a local baseball team, and had taken Mr T for their first practice (he loved it, and made a lot of new friends, yay!). Mr A, Missy & Little Miss were already exploring the disappearing ice on shoreline.

In this picture both had wet pants and water in their boots ;-)

In one of these shots Mr A also got his behind wet as he crouched a bit too low ;-)
I sent the three of them inside to change clothes (I didn't get a picture of Little Miss out there).

So Mr D and I headed out, facing the lake turned right and followed the shoreline quite a long ways, stepping on rocks, occasionally on snow, and quite a few times stepping into water.

We discovered neat looking trees, bugs, spiders, little greenish buds on trees. And very clear water - a good thing, as that is what is coming out of our faucets :)

I think one of Mr D's love languages is Quality Time, he really enjoyed the one on one with mom.

This is how thick the ice was near land. It looks like floating slush, but wasn't :)

How long until ice out?

I am linking this post to Hip Homeschool Hop!

Hip Homeschool Hop Button


Löysimme tänään Mr D:n kanssa uuden kävelyreitin: rantaa pitkin kivillä (ja vähän järvessä ja lumessakin) kävellen! Meillä oli aivan ihanaa kahdestaan. Mr T oli ekoissa pesisharkoissa Kapteenin kanssa, ja kolme muuta lasta jouduin lähettämään sisälle, kun kumppareista löytyi puolikas järveä, ja housut ja sukat olivat kastuneet.


  1. Beautiful! You're making me want to get the kids back to the lake to explore. All the ice is gone here; kayakers out on the water last time we went for a romp.

  2. Ooh, son D wants to try the kayaks that came with the house so badly he suggested he takes one out now to break the ice more :-D

  3. I am absolutely in love with your blog. What a way to live life. Maine has a very special place in my heart. I can't wait to go back. Just one more month. You have a beautiful family!

  4. Hi, I found you on the Hip Homeschool Hop now I'm a new follower! Hop over and say HI if you get a chance
    Just Wedeminute
    PS What beautiful pictures you have on here! I just love your blog.

  5. Awww.. Thank you Kelly And Allison ('s mama :) and Jennifer!!

  6. Hopped on over from the Hip Homeschool Hop. Love your blog. I'm a new follower. Sounds like a perfectly lovely time was had by all.

  7. Thank you, MissMOE! I still need to make my rounds - I ended up being gone ALL day today, and now need to hit the hay. But tomorrow :-D
