Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Mr. D, Mr. A, Little Miss and I decided to go kayaking today (such a gorgeous day!).

Our destination was a cove nearby with beaver dams.

Such fun to explore!

Mr. D bravely going ahead (are there mad beavers? big spiders? snakes?? swarms of mosquitoes?).

Nope, nothing of the sort. (At least where we could see.) Only extremely shallow waters and a few black flies. Our trail stopped shortly after this, and with a little difficulty (the shallow waters) we turned our kayaks around and headed back home.

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Kaksi pojista ja Pikkuneiti lähtivät tänään kanssani melontareissulle. Meillä oli oikein kunnon tutkimusreissu läheiseen lahdenpoukamaan, jossa oli majavanpesiä. Emme tienneet mitä muuta sieltä löytyy (vihaisia majavia, käärmeitä, hämähäkkejä tai ötökkäparvia?), mutta emme löytäneet muuta kuin umpikujan ja matalikkoa, joten käännyimme ympäri. Kivaa oli silti :)


  1. Awesome pics!!! I feel like I say that every time, but it's true!
    What a great adventure... love that you have the kayaks!

  2. Photos are beautiful!! What fun! Thank you for stopping by my blog: Mother of Action. Take care and have a wonderful summer time.

  3. Thank you, Saina and Jessica! I'm so glad we got to enjoy the kayaks for a few days, now it has been so cold and stormy.
