Saturday, June 11, 2011

HEAV Convention 2011/Kotikoulukonferenssi

Thanks to our most awesome husbands, my sister and I got to attend a homeschool convention in Richmond, Virginia, this weekend. The Captain has been holding down the fort in Maine with our older kids, and my brother-in-law watched their two boys and Little Miss at my sister's house. Baby E came to the conference strapped to my sister :)

Due to time constrictions, we didn't attend any sessions, only covered the exhibit hall (over 300 booths). We peeked into the Used Curriculum Sale, but it was too overwhelming. We both looked at various Kindergarten materials, and I also looked at various 7th grade science curricula.

I am going to continue reviewing at least three science programs, but did purchase most of our Monarch curriculum, and a sample art curriculum Atelier to try over the summer. I have a feeling my kids, especially the girls, will love the art program, and will want to do a full curriculum this coming year. (Once we try it out, I'll post about it.)

Little Miss had had a pretty hard time being separated from mommy. So even though we could have spent more time browsing the expo, my sister & I headed home soon after lunch. All the kiddies were so excited to see us (maybe brother-in-law, too - no?:), and immediately started reviewing Our Father's World curriculum my sister bought. I may get the same program, or some parts of it to Little Miss, also.

This was my first homeschool convention, and yes, it was a little overwhelming. But I had been warned about that beforehand. It was so helpful to see (& touch!) books and programs, talk to people who knew their material inside and out, and who patiently listened and gave advice. A super shout-out goes to the Apologia and AOP Homeschool staff (and Linda, you were missed :)!

We decided this needs to be a yearly tradition, and next time we won't forget the chocolate!!!


Siskoni (ja pikku E:n) kanssa menimme tänä viikonloppuna kotikoulukonferenssiin. Oli ihana viettää aikaa yhdessä, ja käydä läpi eri kotikoulumatskuja. Vielä jäi pikkasen miettimistä tulevalle vuodelle, mutta tilasin suurimmaksi osaksi saman Monarch-ohjelman, jota olemme käyttäneet tänä vuonna. Tänään palasimme aika aikaisin takaisin kotiin, Pikkuneidillä oli ollut vaikeaa ilman äitiä. Kiitos miehillemme, jotka hoitivat lapsia niin että pääsimme konferenssiin! Ehdottomasti tästä jokavuotinen traditio, mutta seuraavalla kerralla ei saa unohtaa suklaata!!! :)


  1. So glad you came with me!!! <3 <3 <3 It wouldn't have been the same without you! Two days, next year. Or maybe 3...? And we'll be better prepared. ;-)

  2. I agree!!! Next year! With chocolate :)

  3. And muori can come to babysitter with too !!!

  4. Yay for your first conference success! Nothing like picking a huge one to attend the first time too. Hehehe....

    I loved My Father's World when we did that curriculum! It's very fun and kid oriented to be sure.

    Take care!

  5. Very true, Dee, lol! I am so glad we were warned about feeling overwhelmed!! It was neat to go.
    Good to hear about My Father's World! You wouldn't have your teacher book for sale? I'd like to piece together some of it for Little Miss..
