Our fourth year of homeschooling is just about done. What an amazing feeling! (Especially when you consider I went into homeschooling kicking and screaming!) Homeschooling has been one of the best things for our family.
(And what is even more amazing is our teens will start high school next year!!)
Our curriculum AOP Monarch has worked well for our family. As soon as it came out three years ago, we switched from Switched-on-Schoolhouse to the online Monarch version. Since we are mac users, Monarch worked better for us, and since we travel so much, it was easier for us to use online access for our school lessons. We love the fact we can do school anywhere, as long as we have an internet connection, and a computer to access it!
Monarch has taught our teens to be independent learners. They can advance at their own pace.
If they want to get school done early so they have more time for their own interests, they are free to do so.
And, of course, if they want to get 8th grade done before Christmas, and go to Finland for a few months, that is a possibility, too:)
(Plus they can still work on Monarch lessons from Finland.)
Alpha Omega Publications are having their May sale of 15% off their products this month. There are still four days left to take advantage of that! Click on the image for more info.
And how is Little Miss doing with her schoolwork? Well, we have had some great days, and some days when school looked a little different:) We used Critical Thinking Company's K-1st bundle with Hooked-on-Phonics, and overall have loved our material. This Little Miss is just too busy with life to bother with schoolbooks.
We made a decision not to worry about finishing her curriculum. She is done. Instead, this month we have been reading a lot. Mainly mom reads to her, but we are working on her reading, also, and she loves to write little notes and stories.
It has been a good homeschool year for us. Three of our four teens are finished with their Monarch curriculum, and while we still have One Year Adventure Novel to finish, we are going to take our time with that. The boys also enjoyed their elective online class Government 101 taught by Founder's Academy through CurrClick.com.
I know I've posted this cartoon before, but it really is a great one to repost. Twenty Great Reasons to Homeschool!

(We appreciate Alpha Omega Publications for their sponsorship of our curriculum for next year. All opinions expressed in this blog are purely our own.)
****** EDIT: I can't believe an entire DAY went by before I realized I forgot the Finnish translation. Oops!! Pahoitteluni, nyt vasta huomasin, että olin unohtanut kääntää postauksen suomeksi!!
Siis meillä alkaa olla neljäs kotikouluvuosi melkein purkissa. Vähän vielä teineillä on töitä jäljellä, ennen kuin aloittavat kesäloman, ja syksyllä lukion - mikä Usassa alkaa 9. luokalla, ja kestää neljä vuotta. Pikkuneiti ei saanut kaikkia kirjojaan tehtyä, mutta hän on saanut tarpeeksi, joten me keskitymme nyt lukemiseen ja kaikkeen muuhun kivaan.
Vaikken neljä vuotta sitten halunnut alkaa kotikouluilemaan, se on ollut meidän perheelle yksi parhaimmista päätöksistä. Ei kaduta, ja aiomme jatkaa:)