Our December has flown by so fast. It has been a month full of joy! When we first arrived back in Maine, Missy and Grandma started working on a beautiful table Christmas tree for Missy. It is gorgeous! (Thank you, Grandma!)

And as every year, before we get to Christmas, we celebrate four birthdays and one adoption day in one day, then another birthday two days later. Our birthdays were pretty round this time, somebody is getting old!:)

A special blessing this year: My dad flew to Virginia, and drove up with my sister's family to spend Christmas with us in Maine!

Our Virginia cousins helped us make Christmas decorations. We decided Kiwi Crate's cardboard gingerbread house was the best (and easiest!) gingerbread house ever! Making swirly ornaments was a lot of fun, too.

Making and decorating gingerbread cookies (and eating them, too!) has been a favorite activity:)

Our Christmas tree was a sad story this year. It kept falling over. Here we are decorating it, again. But it's standing now!
I think some boys are having fun here:)

We took Christmas week off from homeschool to enjoy family time and celebrating our Savior's birth.

We had a beautiful white Christmas in Maine, and not just snow - a storm coated everything in sparkling ice.

Old-fashioned packages under the tree (aka someone forgot to buy wrapping paper). Very pretty!

Here's our nutty Christmas Crew! Weirdos with beardos - thanks, Sis, for the awesome hats!!
We hope your Christmas was a special time of remembering the Reason for this Season - Jesus! The Author of all Joy!
(Some of the photos were taken by my brother-in-law. He is the pro, so my apologies on the amateur editing of the pics! Thanks, M!)
Meillä on ollut vauhdikas ja ihana joulukuu. On ollut synttäreitä ja adoptiopäivää, joulukoristelujen tekemistä serkkujen kanssa, kermapiparien tekoa, ja joulukuusen koristelemista (monta kertaa, kun joulukuusi kaatui useamman kerran!).
Toivottavasti sinunkin joulusi - Jeesuksen syntymäjuhla - on ollut täynnä iloa!
I'm such a bad mom. I just have never been able to make myself do a gingerbread house with the girls. Maybe next year. :) Love the hats!!
ReplyDeleteIhana joulu ja ihanan paljon kuvia! Myös täällä on ollut suloiset pyhät ja paljon rakkaita.
ReplyDeleteIhania kuvia niin ulkoa kuin sisältä :) Teillä on niin kaunis, kodikas ja tunnelmallinen koti!
Teilla on ollut ihana joulukuu ja joulu! Tunnelma aivan huokuu kaikista kuvista. Ja ihanaa etta isasi oli mukana talla kertaa. :) Onnea nelosille, Annalle ja sinulle juhlapaivien johdosta. Kylla teilla on ollut juhlittavaa. :D
ReplyDeleteVoi että näytti ihanalta teidän joulu - upeita kuvia! Ja tosi hauskat noi partapipot :-)
ReplyDeleteSharron, I had never made one either! I'd have my mom or someone else work on it with the kids:) This was so much better! Kate would probably really enjoy Kiwi Crate! You can try a crate without subscribing to the monthly service.
ReplyDeleteIhanaa, Marita<3<3<3
Kiitos, Olivia! Täytyy kyllä kertoa, että eka kuva on anoppilasta:)
Kiitos, Ina! Todella ihana kuukausi<3 Nyt alkaakin arki, heh.
Soile, sisko on kyllä uskomaton, kun meille kaikille pipot väsäsi!! Ne on mahtavat :-D
Siis niin kaunista teillä siellä. Sekä tunnelmaltaan sisällä, että häikäisevän kaunista ulkona. Sain hyvät iltanaurut koko porukan pipokuvasta, loistava idea. :D
ReplyDeleteKiitos, Tiina!! Joo, kyllä nämä pipot oli parhaat!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a beautiful CHristmas week with family and enjoying celebrating the Savior!
ReplyDeleteGayly, it was wonderful<3 I hope yours was also. Blessings!