During our travels this holiday season we had a chance to briefly review Time4Learning homeschool curriculum. I like to review various curricula, mainly for upcoming school years. I have five students, and occasionally someone is struggling with a subject or two, so it is good to learn about different options for that purpose, as well.
T4L is an online curriculum for PreK to 12th grades. Lessons are student-paced, and have multimedia activities. Subjects included are Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Detailed reports, records and lesson plans are found in the parent admin pages.
Little Miss logged in three times to try 1st and 2nd grade lessons. She enjoyed her computer time, and it made her feel like of the 'big kids', doing her lessons independently. She is not a strong reader, but didn't need my help with T4L lessons, which was a bonus for me.
We were especially curious about Time4Learning's new high school curriculum, and were interested in seeing in particular what their math lessons looked like. Missy (9th grade) was the one who did most of the reviewing for me. She really enjoyed her Algebra lessons on T4L. The lessons wouldn't allow her to continue until she had mastered a concept, which she found helpful.
I have to confess since we have been traveling, I didn't have a chance to spend a lot of time of the parent admin pages. And now that our trial period has ended, I can't go back to review their schoolwork. It did seem pretty straightforward, and I noticed there was a lot of advice on the website to help parents navigate the site.
PreK - 8th Grade is $19.95/student per month, $14.95/month for each additional PreK - 8th student. High School is $30/student per month, which includes 4 courses. You can try free demos by clicking here.
I do wish there was a pricing option for less than four high school courses. We didn't really have the time to review other subjects (what was I thinking reviewing a curriculum during busy travel/holiday season???), but we would be interested in their math courses as part of our curriculum.
Please visit Time4Learning's website for more info.
All opinions expressed in this blog are purely our own. Occasionally sponsors and advertisers will provide products at no charge so they can be reviewed on this site. We would like to thank Time 4 Learning for giving us a free month to access their lessons.
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