Our second Ohio stop was equally exciting as our first Ohio stop. Late Monday night we pulled into the Airstream Factory at Jackson Center. We had called ahead, and found out we can park overnight and hook-up there, which was great, as temps were rapidly falling.
And fall they did. Tuesday morning we woke up to quite the surprise: snow. Yeah. It was chilly.
Snowy Airstreams are a sight you don't see often.
(We try to avoid snowy conditions with our Airstream like the plaque after using our Mothership as a 35 foot toboggan once.)
Oh, how we loved going inside the building! So warm! We spent a loooooong time looking at all the interesting photos and paraphernalia in there:)
Little Miss took this photo of us during breakfast. It shows "the dance" we have to do inside the motorhome. It's kind of tight in there with all of us. Passing each other takes some choreography.
(Counterspace is a little sparse, too.)
Now, I hope no parent misses this tip. Especially homeschoolers. Airstream Factory offers a free tour of their factory, which makes a fantastic field trip destination! From their website:
"TOUR SCHEDULE: Every Monday through Friday at 2 p.m. (Friday tours take place after normal production hours.) Walk-ins welcome. No appointment needed for groups less than 10. Hope to see you soon!"
What makes this tour especially great is twofold: 1) The students learn about the history of Airstream, and see how these iconic trailers are made, and 2) High school students will appreciate seeing what it's like working with their hands, in a factory setting.
We believe every Airstream trailer is a work of art, and every person working on them should be proud of their skills and product. What a neat place to work! Here's info on careers at Airstream.
Unfortunately photography is not allowed inside the factory (another reason you need to go see it yourself!), except for this one part. Every single trailer goes through water leakage inspection..
Some photos can be viewed on Airstream website. Watch video.
Airstream motorhomes like ours are fairly rare, so whenever we see one, we want to check them out. This one is from the 80's (ours is 1991). We saw a couple of other ones there, as well. One had been used as a hearse.
Some history and interesting facts on Airstreams here.
We loved seeing where our beloved Mothership was originally put together. The Airstream factory is definitely a must-see stop in Ohio. Two thumbs up from Our Mothership Adventures!!!
Yövyimme yhden yön tällä viikolla Airstream-tehtaan pihalla, ja seuraavana päivänä teimme luokkaretken tehtaan sisälle. Siellä ei saanut ottaa kuin yhden kuvan (missä testataan, ettei asuntoauto vuoda), mutta laitoin yläpuolelle jotain linkkejä, joista näkee kuvia ja voi lukea lisää. Oli todella mielenkiintoista nähdä kuinka näitä klassisia asuntoautoja tehdään, ja oppia lisää historiasta. Täältä sai meidänkin Mothership-asuntoautomme alkunsa!
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