We drove through some flat parts of Ohio. Coming from South Ostrobothnia, Finland, I loved looking out the Mothership window as we drove along.
Beautiful country!
Our first official Ohio stop was P and S Trailer Service in Helena, Ohio. Our waterpump wasn't working and we wanted to talk to them about possibly making some modifications to our Mothership later this year.
"P and S Trailer has been a leader in the field of Airstream restoration for over 40 years. Our family based business continues to grow offering the Airstream community a wide range of services. We are Airstream Factory recommended for your refinishing needs." (From their website)
While our waterpump was getting a temporary fix, we were able to get some work and homeschool done.
(P and S Trailer Service graciously agreed to take a look at our waterpump issue on Monday, even though they are booking their appointments into July now. It appears we have a short in the system somewhere, and to get it completely fixed would have taken time we didn't have, and they didn't have right now, so we are super grateful to them to get it working for now, even though the whole system still needs to be fixed. Thank you!!)
And of course we needed some fresh air and exploring, too. We checked out how P and S Trailer Service were refinishing the exterior aluminum on an vintage 1957 Airstream trailer. It looked incredible!!
Outside, behind the buildings, we found more gorgeous trailers. P and S Trailer Service not only refurbishes trailers, they also sell them.
Since we are having a little difficulty sleeping all of us in our Mothership, maybe they would have a little Bambi for us to tow? Wouldn't that be a cute sight:)
Ensimmäinen Ohio-pysäkkimme oli Airstream-korjaamoon, vesipumppumme ei toiminut talven jälkeen, ja he saivatkin onneksi korjattua sen, ainakin väliaikaisesti. Tämä korjaamo oli upea paikka kiertää ja katsella näitä klassisia alumiiniasuntovaunuja. He myös myyvät käytettyjä Airstream-vaunuja, ehkäpä meidän pitäisi hankkia pikkuriikkinen Mothershipin perään, niin mahtuisimme kaikki paremmin nukkumaan:)
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