Our Mothership Adventures Academy is going through some serious changes this year. We are going to try something new. If it doesn't work, we can always go back to what has worked in the past for us.
Instead of having all of our school on the computers, we have actual books this year.
I have shared how we had a rough year last year. Not all my students struggled, but overall it was a difficult year. We didn't finish our schoolwork until mid-to-late July this year. And that just isn't something I/we care to repeat.
We started looking at what else is there, and really felt led to take a look at something completely different. Something I had checked out years ago, and had decided it wasn't for us. And it wasn't - then. We are pretty confident it is the right choice for our family this year.
All five of my students will be using Sonlight as our homeschool curriculum.
Our 10th grades will be using Core 100 for Language Arts, Literature, Bible and History. Little Miss will be using Sonlight Core B as her 3rd grade curriculum, including Science. She and I will use Math-U-See for math.
For our High School Science we will use Apologia Biology, taught by Catie Frates online classes. We are super excited about this program, and I will share more on it soon. If you are looking for high school science classes, including labs, you need to check out Catie Frates.
As for our high school Math - Geometry, we will be using Mr. D Math live classes.
Also, high school electives - we are still working on figuring all that out. Two of our teens are learning how to drive, and the other two might start this year, also. And two of our teens are also working on something else, but that is so shocking I'll save that for another blog post ;-)
Sadly we won't be able to attend our homeschool co-op classes in Florida this fall. They start so early in September, and we aren't able to make it there in time. We will be starting our year this week (and some of us have already unofficially started school). I think we are ready! It has been so good to have two/three weeks of vacation, but now we are ready for bouquets of newly sharpened pencils (name that movie!) and fall routines.
Happy new school year to all students and teachers (and moms and dads)!