Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 7/Päivä 7 {Sunday Snapshot}

We had such a wonderful visit with my sister and her family!!! (Thanks for everything; the fellowship, food, showers, laundry, groceries, parking spot in front of the house, the power & garbage service:)

Cousin N wasn't feeling well, so we all stayed home from church, and just hung out. It was soooo nice!! It was good to catch up and relax, and the cousins had such a wonderful time playing together.

I am going to be flying back to my sister's on Sunday (we will be attending the Virginia Homeschool Convention), which provided an opportunity for Little Miss to do something really special: she stayed in Virginia as the Captain, Mr. D & I continued our journey north in the Mothership! She is having a week long sleep over with cousins!! Not the first time away from Mom & Dad, but the first time away from Mom, Dad & siblings.

Even though there were tears at first, she is doing really well and enjoying herself, such a big girl!

While Little Miss is doing well, the Mothership is not.

We drove about two hours, then pulled over to a TA Travel Center/Truck Stop to eat (yummy pizza made by my sister!!). Unfortunately we couldn't get the RV started after our stop. At first we thought no worries, we have two batteries, so we can just jump the RV on our own.

But it didn't work.

We called AAA, and they came and tried to start us. It didn't work. A mechanic from the truck stop came to take a look, but couldn't help. On a Sunday night we couldn't find anybody else to help.

We were able to run the generator for a while, which meant air conditioning & lights, but we weren't sure how long that was going to last. Thankful we were in a safe place we looked up a hotel nearby, called a taxi, and said good-byes to the Mothership for the night.

To Be Continued........

Linking this post to Sunday Snapshot. Thanks for hosting, Stefanie!

Sunday Snapshot


Meillä oli ihana vierailu siskoni ja hänen perheensä luona! Serkut jatkoivat leikkejään niin kuin näkisivät toisensa joka päivä. Kunpa asuisimmekin lähempänä toisiamme...! B-serkku & Pikkuneiti olivat kuin paita ja peppu, N-serkku otti osaa leikkeihin aina kun jaksoi (ressulla oli kuumetta), ja E-neiti oli kovasti kasvanut viime näkemältä (suloinen hymyneiti!).

Minä olen tulossa takaisin siskoni luokse viikon kuluttua, joten päätimme antaa Pikkuneidillemme mahdollisuuden viettää viikko serkkujen kanssa. Oli kyllä haikeaa lähteä ilman häntä!! Taisi olla vaikeampi äidille kuin tytölle.. Kyynelistä huolimatta hänellä on ollut oikein ihanaa tädin perheen luona.

Saimme ajettua vain kaksi tuntia pohjoiseen kun pysähdyimme moottoritien rekkojen palvelupysäkille syömään siskoni tekemää pizzaa. Kun olimme valmiit lähtemään, asuntoauton akku oli tyhjä. Meillä on kaksi akkua, joten yritimme ladata akusta akkuun, mutta tällä kertaa se ei toiminut. Pysäkin rekkamekanikko tuli myös katsomaan tilannetta (vaikkeivat he korjaa asuntoautoja), muttei pystynyt auttamaan. Meillä on jäsenyys tiepalveluun, ja he lähettivät apua, mutteivat hekään saaneet asuntoautoa käyntiin.

Lopuksi ei auttanut muu kuin soittaa taksi, ja mennä hotelliin yöksi. Emme halunneet pitää generaattoria päällä koko yötä, ja täällä Virginiassa (eli myös meidän metallipurkissa) on aika lämmin (+35C).

Jatkuu seuraavassa postauksessa...


  1. Hope your sweet girl has an awesome time with cousins and that you are soon on the road again!

  2. So great that she was brave enough to stay! We are hoping for a another cousin trip soon.

  3. quilt-n-mama, I hear she is having a wonderful time, but also counting days for mommy to come there <3

    Cousins are the best friends, we think. I hope you get another cousin trip soon, Anna!

  4. Wow, a week long sleepover? How fun!
    Looks like you all had a great time together.
    Hope that the mothership is back up and running smoothly soon!

  5. Kristi, my sister has been sending little updates, sounds like Little Miss & the cousins are having a blast!!
    We are hoping to get back on the road tomorrow.

  6. We are having a great time!! And loved your mini-visit so much! Can't wait for next week...
    Love the pics! :)

  7. Saina, I'm SO looking forward to coming back <3 <3 <3
