Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 6/Päivä 6

Today is a big driving day, my task is to be a slave driver co-pilot: the sooner we get to my sister's house in Virginia, the longer we have with them!! No pit stops for you, Captain!! :-D

Last night we ended up driving to Georgia, and didn't stop until about 2 am. I am definitely paying for that today (I stayed up too). The Captain seems to be doing pretty well, he got up at 6ish to drive again, and two hours later stopped for a short nap before continuing on again.

We are somewhere in North Carolina at the moment, and Mr. D got some homeschooling done. Little Miss (whose feet really aren't as large as they appear in the photo) has been watching videos on the iPad. We have some activity books and toys for her too.

I am posting today's update early, since I know once we get to my sister's house the computer will be forgotten for sure - we haven't seen each other since September! And it was another brief stop on our way South from North. Hopefully the drive there will be uneventful and I can post some pictures tomorrow of cousins together.


Tämän päivän kuulumiset etukäteen (ettei tarvitse olla tietsikalla siskon luona - yritän laittaa kuvia vierailusta blogiin huomenna). Navigaattorin mukaan meillä on neljä tuntia ajamista edessä, ennen kuin pääsemme siskoni ja hänen perheensä luokse. Olemme tällä hetkellä Pohjois-Karolinassa, en tosin tiedä missä. Olen oikea orjapiiskuri-apukuski, Kapteeni ei saa pysähtyä kovin pitkäksi aikaa ennen kuin pitää jatkaa matkaa taas - mitä pikemmin pääsemme perille, sitä enemmän saamme aikaa siskoni luona! Viimeksi näimme toisemme syyskuussa, pikapysäkki kun ajoimme pohjoisesta etelään.

Eilen ajoimme noin aamukahteen saakka. Tai siis Kapteeni ajoi, minä autoin pysymään hereillä. Ylitimme rajan Georgian osavaltioon, ja nukuimme tervetulo-centerin parkkipaikalla (kyltissä luki ettei saa olla yön yli, mutta jos sinne pysähtyi neljäksi tunniksi keskellä yötä eiköhän se ole eri??). En tiedä kuinka Kapteeni jaksaa ajaa, minä olen ihan puhki valvomisesta. Taidankin ottaa pienet torkut ja antaa Mr. D:n olla apukuskina - hyvä tauko kotikoululle :)


  1. I hope you have a great time with your sister! I'm impressed you stayed up with the Captain. I can't stay awake at all in the car.

  2. LOVE seeing photos of the RV! I hope you arrive safe and sound and have a great visit!


  3. I'm impressed you stayed up too. I always tell my pilot that I'll stay up to be co-pilot, and then fall asleep.
    I'll bet you came right through my neck of the woods in NC. Hope that soon you'll be pulling into your sisters!

  4. Sharron, I still can't believe I stayed up too. I think I've finally caught up on sleep :)

    Jessy, I've tried to take some inside pics, but it's always so cluttered with stuff and I just can't bear the thought of posting pictures of our messy RV!

    Thanks, Kristi! We had a great visit with my sister, I can't wait to go back on Sunday!
