Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Wish I Was In Finland/Olisinpa Suomessa!

I'm sure you all know how much us Finns love our sauna (I am SO going to miss my sauna from this house - less than a month here now), but what you think about my sister's hot tub? We've all decided Mr. A & Missy are so lucky to spending a month in Finland.

It has been two years since our last visit to Finland. This amazing hot tub wasn't there then.

37 C equals about 99 F! Which isn't as hot as the sauna would be :)

I think Mr. A is liking it!

I wouldn't want to get out either. Enjoy it, Missy & Mr. A!!

Linking to Stefanie's Sunday Snapshot, come check out all the other fantastic entries!

Sunday Snapshot


Olisimmepa Suomessa! Kateellisena katsomme Suomi-kuvia: meidän kaikkien mielestä Mr. A ja Missy ovat onnenlapsia, kun saavat viettää kuukauden Suomessa!! Kaksi vuotta sitten viimeisellä reissullamme, mökillä ei ollut vielä siskon ja hänen miehensä uutta vesipaljua... Huomenna on myös rippilapsemme konfirmaatio.. Miksemme ole siellä??


  1. I hope you can go back soon! It seems like that would be so relaxing and stress reducing : ) I want one in my house!

  2. Suomessa nuo paljut ovat tosiaan yleistyneet! Olisipa ihana sellaiseen pujahtaa... Talvellakin! Mahtavaa, että lapset viihtyvät (ja mikseivät!), jospa sinäkin pääset taas pian käymään Suomessa!

  3. Ihania noi paljut, ikinä en ole semmoisessa ollut, mutta tahtoisin kyllä :-)

    Tsemppiä ja jaksuja muuttopuuhiin!

  4. those long eyelashes in the always have the long curly eyelashes!

  5. Ooooooooh!! I am definitely jealous! :P

  6. Thank you!! Appreciate you all visiting and commenting on my blog <3

  7. This post looks so fun. I enjoyed reading your blog. I am hoping to have a hot tub someday. I think it was really cool having a hot tub. Thank you for sharing this post. God bless.

    Charles A
