Friday, August 12, 2011

Random Photos/Erinäisiä kuvia

Random photos in random order. All from today. Amidst packing we actually stopped to smell the roses. And the Mothership is doubling up as a moving truck/plumbing supply van ;-)


Sekalaisia kuvia sekalaisessa järjestyksessä, kaikki tänään otettuja. Pakkaamisen keskellä itse asiassa pysähdyimme ihastelemaan kukkia. Ja Mothership-asuntoautomme toimi muuttoautona ja putkimiehen rekkana ;-)


  1. LOVE your camper photos! I miss camping! We haven't done ANY this year! I haven't even popped up the camper! ((sigh)) So sad, eh? I'm hoping this fall? (But then soccer practices and games kick in!)

  2. Jessy - it looks like we'll be living in our camper this fall! We are starting major renovations in our Maine house.. We love the Mothership but I hope we survive weeks (months?) in the RV all together, lol.

  3. what great photos! especially love the flowers interspersed amongst the move. ;)

  4. One Acre Follies, we are hoping to go to Florida mid-October for 1.5 months.. I hope it happens!! We'll be back in Maine for snowmobiling :)

    jdavis2 - all taken with my much loved iPhone :) It felt SO good to be outside after being cooped up for days just packing!

  5. hey! that trailer full of stuff looks familiar...and the boxes!! i think we've been down that road a few times as well :)

    hope y'all are having a great rest of the summer!! :)

  6. mountain mama, you give me hope - you all survived another move :-D
