Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Two To Finland/Kaksi Suomeen

Our traveling summer continues.. At least for part of our family. We said goodbyes to Missy and Mr. A today, as they joined my sister (and her three little ones) in Boston, and are on their way to Finland at the moment. They were so excited to go, and we are happy they get to go visit Muori and Vaari (their Finnish grandparents), but it sure feels empty at our house tonight. They will be gone all of August...

I must be getting rusty at blogging. I never even thought to take a picture of them when they left, nor ask the Captain to take a picture at the airport.. Oops!! I guess I was too busy holding them a moment longer... I did send messages to my sister to take some pics, and hope she gets internet at the Amsterdam airport, where they have a layover tonight. The photo above from my parents' cabin in Finland is from years ago when our big kids were not so big yet. Hopefully my sister (or mom) will send some pictures I can add here tomorrow.

Kiitos, äiti, kuvasta!!


Tällä hetkellä kaksi lapsistamme on matkalla Suomeen!! He treffasivat Bostonissa siskoni ja hänen kolme lastaan, ja yhdessä jatkoivat matkaa. Yöllä on vaihto Amsterdamissa, ja huomenaamulla pääsevät perille Helsinkiin. Lasten lähtiessä minulle ei tullut mieleenkään ottaa heistä kuvaa, eikä Kapteenikaan huomannut ottaa lentokentällä. Toivottavasti sisko tai äiti lähettää huomenna kuvia, joita voin laittaa tänne. Tuo yllä oleva on otettu vuosia sitten, kun koululaiset eivät olleet vielä niin isoja... Kuva vanhempieni mökiltä Suomessa.


  1. Wow! That IS a big trip. I know you will miss them but I am sure they all must love to have the chance to go when they can. Hang in there mama! :)

  2. Anna, I had a chance to talk to them today. They sounded tired, but happy. I got teary-eyed again.

  3. oh wow. what a grand adventure your family is on! so grateful for the grandparents - even when they are a long flight away. ;) hope you're able to enjoy this special time with the other kiddos... i'm sure they're excited to have some extra mommy time as well. :)

  4. Praying for you all to have a wonderful month!
    Blessings to you,

  5. jdavis2, you know well how hard it is to live far away from family. I wish I was with them in Finland, but at least our two kids got to go. I do feel bad for the three staying home though - we will be packing up our house :)

    Thank you, Gayly! I am so excited for your family, and can't wait to follow your journey to China <3
