A special message from Little Miss to Mommy (via my sister): MOM I {heart shape} U
Little Miss continues to do well, today she had been her chatty self and had talked on and on about her special friend A (who is the best friend of our older kids, and 13-years old). He has made an impression on her :)

Things started happening here, too. The Captain was able to get a rental car this morning, a compact little bug. It might be small, but it's ready to take on the Mothership!

Two technicians from McGeorge's Rolling Hills RV Supercenter came by the Mothership, and were able to get the RV rolling toward their service center (teehee). Turns out the alternator had been installed wrong last year, and it had burned up both the alternator and our battery. They ordered a new alternator, which arrived today, but was the wrong one. They are planning to rebuild our old one tomorrow morning, and get us on the road by noon. (We'll see.)

So funny to switch from our huge Mothership to a VW Beetle, but it was actually really comfy and even fit our luggage! Of course there were only the three of us...
We thought we'd be back in New Hampshire by now, and had to call and reschedule appointments up there. A little frustrating, but these things happen. It could be so much worse - in fact the big tour bus accident that happened on I-95N this morning was just miles from where we are. The news crews were camped in our hotel this afternoon when we got back. We have been praying for the people involved, and their loved ones.

Most of the day we spent at the RV service center's waiting room (the Captain was able to get some work done, Mr. D did some homeschool, I finished a book by Francine Rivers), but we also stopped by the huge Bass Pro Shop and had lunch there. It was a lot like L.L.Bean Flagship Store in Freeport, Maine. Fun to look around, and the food was good.
As soon as we rechecked ourselves at the hotel (again), Mr. D & I headed to the pool. That was a perfect ending to our day - it sure is hot down in Virginia! Almost 100F today!
Meidän oli tarkoitus olla New Hampshiressä jo tänään. Ja tänään näytti siltä, että pääsisimme ajamaan iltapäivällä, mutta ei sittenkään. Saimme sentään vuokra-auton (pikkuriikkisen kuplavolkkarin, ihanan!), ja siirrettyä asuntoauton korjaamoon. Uusi arvio on huomenna lounasaikaan pitäisi päästä tien päälle. Suurimman osan päivästä vietimme korjaamon odotushuoneessa (Kapteeni teki töitään, Mr. D kotikoulua, ja minä luin yhden kirjan loppuun). Kävimme myös lounaalla ja kiertelemässä isossa Bass Pro Shop-kaupassa. Hotellissa illalla hyppäsimme uima-altaaseen, mikä tuntui taivaalliselta lähes +40C helteisen päivän jälkeen!
Täällä lähellä oli paha linja-auto-onnettomuus. Neljä menehtyi ja moni loukkaantui. Hiljaiseksi veti mielen - meidän asuntoauto-ongelmat ovat kovin pieniä kuitenkin.