To compare, you can read our Year Recaps here: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.

We welcomed the new year in Maine, and enjoyed snow and winter very much. We had a fun group of friends visit us from Australia, and while our teens had to fly back to Florida and their dual-enrollment classes, the Captain, little girls and I stayed up in Maine a little longer. We also visited with more of the Captain's side of the family.
My mom flew from Finland, and had a freezing time in Florida with our teens while we were still in Maine. Yes - it gets cold in Florida, too!
Then the Captain flew to Florida, and Little Miss, Mei Mei and I flew to San Diego, California! Mei Mei got to finally meet my sister and her family. My mom flew from Florida to my sister's house, too.

Early February my sister and I attended a photography workshop with our other photographer friends (some have popped on this blog, too) near San Diego. This workshop had major influence on my photography 'career'. I almost gave up before starting, haha. But it was all so, so good. And I highly recommend this workshop (if interested, ask me!).
And then it was time to fly back to Florida. My mom came back with us. She was supposed to fly back to Finland a few days later, but we got to keep her a bit longer. We had a wonderful visit, even made it to the beaches, and saw manatees. And she got to go to Missy's Rubik's cubing competition.
MARCH 2016

Little Miss turned double digits! Yes, ten years old!
We (some of us, anyway) had a road trip to Atlanta, Georgia, for Mr. T's Debate Tournament. Mei Mei wasn't a fan of quietly watching the debaters, but she did love the pool at the hotel. We had a great trip! Another little road trip brought us back to St. Pete where we walked down Memory Lane (we so love St. Pete Beach!).
APRIL 2016

April brought us a cross-town move, which ended up being a lot more work than we anticipated! Instead of loading everything into a big truck, we made countless trips back and forth the two houses, and thought it would never end.
Our four dual-enrolled students had finals, too, and between those two events we were barely alive at the end of the month.
MAY 2016

In May our older students still continued high school studies, and Little Miss and were racing to finish fourth grade. We were settling into our new home, and met many neighbors (most of them had four or more legs, or none at all.....)
Mr. T traveled to debate nationals, and did fantastic!
Mei Mei had her cleft clinic in Tampa, and got a great report. Mr. A and mama both got glasses... The doctor prescribed me with 'fortyitis', as I needed reading glasses.
JUNE 2016

Mei Mei turned three in June! And started potty training. Mama used documentary photography as a survival mechanism.
The boys flew to Virginia, visited friends, and attended iGovern - a camp by Generation Joshua. The Captain, Missy, Little Miss, Mei Mei and Mama packed up the Mothership, and on our way up to Maine we picked the boys up.
The Mothership sadly had all kinds of trouble, and we limped our way up to Maine to our camp. But we made it in time to see the lupines! June is always full of work at the camp, before our renters come. This time we also opened moving boxes from our move back in 2011.
My photography business launched legally, but only with behind the scenes work.

Early July Little Miss, Mei Mei and Mama had tickets to fly to Finland for a month. My sister was already there with her kids. We had a very special (if not completely crazy) time with our family. There was a wedding, too! The first nephew got married, and it was just a wonderful celebration. Other than the wedding in Helsinki, we stayed at my parents' summer place where I spent all my childhood summers, too. (Check Finland blog posts here, here, here and here.)
We celebrated having Mei Mei for one year!
Our teens attended Summit in Colorado during July, and the Captain spent time in Maine and New Hampshire.

Early August we all met at our camp in Maine again, and had wonderful visitors there, too. A fun time before our teens needed to head back to Florida to start their dual-enrolled classes.

In September the little girls and I took a quick trip to Virginia to visit my sister and her family (she had moved from San Diego back to Virginia), and left all seven kids with my brother-in-law, as my sister and I attended another photography workshop:)
Our original plan had been to continue down to Florida, but we returned to Maine for the rest of the month. Little Miss and I started homeschooling, which was quite challenging, as our books were in Florida.
My photography website went live, and I started booking documentary family sessions.

Hurricane Matthew! Our Florida home was in mandatory evacuation zone, so our teens secured our house with the help of a family friend, and left town. They had a great visit with St. Pete friends! When they got back to the house, we found out our downstairs level had flooded, and there was damage. It could have been so much worse, so we're thankful.
A few days later Little Miss, Mei Mei and I returned too. And we really have been busy with the house ever since. The Captain arrived about a week later, too.
Little Miss started a homeschool music class, and has enjoyed it tremendously. Mei Mei is very jealous.

We had some fun travel in November. The Captain flew to New Hampshire, and picked up the Mothership, which was being repaired by our friend. Mr. A dropped Little Miss, Mei Mei and me off at a rental car office, and the three of us drove all day to Virginia, and made it to my sister's house! And a few days later the teens joined us, too. We cooked and baked together, enjoyed hanging out, and visited Busch Gardens Christmastown. It was a nice break from working on the house and from schoolwork.

We had planned on going to Maine for Christmas, but with our Florida home still torn apart, we decided it really would be best to stay put and continue to work on it. We had some hope that it would be ready before Christmas, but no. Not before New Year's, either. (It was a tempting thought to go to Maine!) We did take two road trips, one to St. Pete and one to Orlando:)
All of us are enjoying a break from school work, which feels so wonderful. It was a very tough fall, and everyone felt the squeeze.
Our teenagers are now eighteen, and we also celebrated Little Miss' 10th Gotcha day, Adoption day, and mama's birthday.
We've had a quiet break, as our family has been hit with both head colds, and a tummy bug. All that will pass though, and we do count our blessings.
God is good. All the time.
"Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever." Psalm 136:26
"For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever." Psalm 117:2
We wish you and your loved ones much joy and many blessings in the New Year of 2017.
Hyvää ja siunattua uutta vuotta 2017 jokaiselle lukijalleni!