Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Summer in Finland, Part 2/Suomi, osa 2

I've had these photos here weeks now, waiting for the text, which does not seem to appear on their own. So. I decided to let the pictures speak for themselves, and hit publish, so I can keep going on our summer posts.

Most of our Finland trip we spent at my parents' cabin where I spent all my childhood summers. It is so sweet to see my girls doing so many of the special things I did with my siblings and cousins. And my little girls got spend this time with their cousins, too. This place is precious!

Seven of our parents' youngest grandchildren all in the same frame - documentary style! The sand pile was a favorite hangout spot!

I took one half day trip to my parents' house in Seinäjoki to run some errands. I just love seeing my littlest sitting in my parents' retro kitchen chairs - same ones my mom sat when her water broke - with me.

I have one or two more picture posts from Finland, then we'll move onto Maine:)


Suomikuvia vielä, tämänkin jälkeen on tulossa yksi tai kaksi postausta, ennen kuin jatkamme Mainen puolelta. Yksi kuvista on Seinäjoelta, kävin äidin ja Mei Mein kanssa siellä pyörähtämässä yhtenä päivänä, kaikki muut kuvat ovat mökiltä - samalta paikalta missä itse olen kesäni viettänyt sisarusten ja serkkujen kanssa, ja nyt nämä ihanat kiinalaiset pikkutyttöni saivat olla samassa paikassa omien serkkujensa kanssa. Mansikkapaikka!


  1. Beautiful pictures, and what an amazing time you had in Finland!

  2. You surely love this place as Pictures suggest the same. Thanks for sharing such a lovely post with us and keep us updating with your blogs
