Saturday, March 30, 2013

Desert Botanical Gardens

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The Captain and I went to Phoenix, Arizona, on a business trip this month, and had a great time. We missed our kids, but they were in good hands back at our camp with our friends (Thanks so much, B&P!!!), and it's always wonderful to reconnect with your spouse without the distractions of children.

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We didn't have a lot of time for exploring, but managed to go to Desert Botanical Gardens for an evening stroll and sunset. And thanks to Groupon, got two tickets for the price of one, yay! (One adult admission is regularly $18.)

Phoenix has had quite a bit of rain this spring, so the desert was surprisingly green! So stunningly beautiful. (Embarrassing tidbit: this was my first trip to Arizona, and my geography skills are a bit rustic. I didn't realize how far west we were until we sat on the plane, and I saw the map! Good thing we are homeschooling, so I can learn along:)

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The cacti and various plants were so different, and we also spotted various wildlife. Can you spot anything in the two photos above? (My apologies for photo quality - I only had my iPhone.)

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'Tree' hugging discouraged.

Wish our children had been there to learn along. Hopefully the RV Mothership will head west soon!

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Such a romantic place to watch the famous Arizona sunset. We counted four weddings, and this one cute couple who didn't even realize their picture was taken and posted online.

Desert Botanical Gardens were the highlight of our trip to Phoenix. That, and the rooftop pool in the hotel. If you have a chance, definitely go tour the gardens!


Työreissulla Arizonaan Kapteeni ja minä vierailimme Phoenixin kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa. Aivan mahtava paikka! Neljännestä ja viidennestä kuvasta löytyy kaksi eläintä, jotka näimme kävelyllämme - löydätkö?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday/Pitkäperjantai


 Picture from Proverbs 31 Facebook page

“What is good about Good Friday? Why isn’t it called Bad Friday? Because out of the appallingly bad came what was inexpressibly good. And the good trumps the bad, because though the bad was temporary, the good is eternal.”
-Randy Alcorn


Hyljeksitty hän oli, ihmisten torjuma, kipujen mies, sairauden tuttava, josta kaikki käänsivät katseensa pois. Halveksittu hän oli, me emme häntä minään pitäneet.
Ja kuitenkin: hän kantoi meidän kipumme, otti taakakseen meidän sairautemme. Omista teoistaan me uskoimme hänen kärsivän rangaistusta, luulimme Jumalan häntä niistä lyövän ja kurittavan,
vaikka meidän rikkomuksemme olivat hänet lävistäneet ja meidän pahat tekomme hänet ruhjoneet. Hän kärsi rangaistuksen, jotta meillä olisi rauha, hänen haavojensa hinnalla me olemme parantuneet. Me harhailimme eksyneinä kuin lampaat, jokainen meistä kääntyi omalle tielleen. Mutta Herra pani meidän kaikkien syntivelan hänen kannettavakseen. Häntä piinattiin, ja hän alistui siihen, ei hän suutansa avannut. Jesaja 53

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Kiwi Crate!


Today Little Miss and I are SO thrilled to review a Kiwi Crate with you all!

My sister told us about this fun way to crafts. Kiwi Crates are filled with craft projects, all needed supplies, and instructions on how to do them. They are geared toward 3-7 year olds, but in my opinion even older children would enjoy these crafts.

You can sign up for either a regular monthly or gift subscription ($19.95/month + free shipping) or if you just want to try one crate first, you can buy a single crate ($19.95+ shipping) from the Kiwi Crate Shop.


The crate was beautifully packaged and put together with quality supplies. Even the instruction pamphlet was printed on a thick paper. The scissors that came with our crate were nice and sturdy.

Our crate had three projects:
Project One: Spinning Colors 
Design and color different patterns. With a spin of your top, observe new colors and patterns.
Project Two: Stained Glass
Make a colorful stained glass, hang it in the window, and watch it catch the sun.
Project Three: Tissue Tie Dye Bag
Create a colorful tie-dyed bag. Perfect for toting books and snacks.


For our review purposes we chose to do the stained glass project.


On her own, Little Miss (age 7) organized all needed supplies out, and got to work.


Each craft project came with clear instructions, even telling us how messy it was going to be (this one low on messy scale), and how much parental help was needed (this one low).


And we are done! Stained Glass art by Little Miss! She was so pleased and proud of her accomplishment.


The kit came with this super cool blue glasses that made looking at the stained glass very interesting.


So much fun! Little Miss has now tried all projects in our crate, and loved each one. And even the one that required more help from an adult and was high on messy scale wasn't really.

If you have multiple small children you can either make them share various projects in the Kiwi Crate, or order sibling add-ons.

While you can find all the instructions yourself, and either go buy supplies or order them online, and maybe save some money, I have to confess I know I wouldn't. Most of us are busy moms, whether we homeschool or not, and having a crate like this shipped to you every month is a huge blessing - to you and your child/ren.

Also, if you are a traveling family, like we are, you can pause your subscription while on the road, and continue again when you get back home.

Which all is enough for us to want to sign up! (Sign up through this link for $10 off!!)

Kiwi Crate and Polarn O. Pyret have a Spring giveaway going on right now. Check out details here. Good luck!

And a huge Thank You to Kiwi Crate for sending us a crate to review! We loved everything about it. All our opinions are entirely our own.

Sunday, March 10, 2013



Such a special day!

Little Miss turned seven today.


We had a fun day celebrating with cousins and friends. Birthday waffles, Chinese food, cake and treats. Games, gifts, and building with legos.

Happy Birthday, Little Miss!! We love you so much!


Pikkuneiti täytti tänään seitsemän vuotta! Serkkujen ja ystävien kanssa juhlimme koko päivän. Onnea rakkaalle Pikkuneidillemme!