Thursday, January 2, 2014

Serious Sledding/Pulkkamäessä

We have this hill nearby. It is serious.

It has been called Killer Hill, and Death Hill.

Don't let the photos fool you, there is serious steepness going on.

To a point where certain family members refuse to sled down this particular hill.

Of course, sledding down the hill means you actually have to climb it first.

Which (huff and puff) is a serious feat in itself.

But on a clear day climbing up has it's benefits (even if you are not planning to sled down).

The views are breathtakingly gorgeous.

And the crazyladywithcamera photographer in you goes nuts, and takes about a hundred photos.

And sometimes end up documenting odd happenings.

See this photo above, and what is happening? Look more carefully. At the parking area.

True story:

We are up on the hill, and see a FedEx van pull beside our vehicle. No worries, I'm thinking the driver is taking a break and admiring our graceful sledding (not). But as I keep an eye on the van I notice the driver getting out of his van, and...???

What is he doing???

He is opening my car door....!!!!!!!

We are in the boonies. My car doors were not locked. There may or may not have been a purse in the car...!

We roll run slip sled down the hill as fast as we can. Mr A runs ahead, and as the FedEx driver is already leaving the site he notices Mr A and stops suddenly, then gets out of his van.

He is talking to Mr A. What, what...???

I finally reach Mr A, who says: "The driver just asked me if we live at the end of Xxxxx Rd, and when I said yes, he told me he had put a package in our car."


It is a small, bizarre world.


And yes, it was a FedEx package for us. Lucky for the driver, he probably skipped our road entirely.

After our FedEx incident, we call it quits. As the sun sets (mid-afternoon), temperatures start dropping drastically. The post office also closes at 4:15, and if we are out and about, we need to stop to pick up our mail - no mail delivery in the woods of Maine. Other than customized FedEx drop-offs (and the UPS guy who knows what coffee we drink).



Meidän lähellä on hurja pulkkamäki! Sinne ei aina me kaikki kiivetä, mutta kirkkaana päivänä näköalat ovat niin uskomattoman kauniit, että kannattaa rämpiä ylös asti, vaikkei olisikaan ihan varma kuinka pääsee alas... Yksi päivä kun olimme kukkulan huipulla, huomasin, että FedEx-kuski oli meidän auton vieressä. Mitä?? Kuljettaja nousi autostaan, avasi minun auton oven! Mitä ihmettä?? Äkkiä lähdimme tarkistamaan asiaa, ja kävi ilmi, että kuski oli laittanut meidän autoon paketin meille!! Hän oli tunnistanut meidän auton, ja lähtiessään kun Mr A oli ehtinyt paikalle, oli vain varmistanut, että asutaanhan me meidän tien päässä!

Pieni on maailma. #VainMainessä:)


  1. On hulppeet maisemat! Kenelle hyvänsä kävisi siellä niin, että "the photographer in you goes nuts, and takes about a hundred photos." :)

    Toivon teille hyviä säitä ja ulkoilukelejä.
    Uutiset kertoivat tänä aamuna, että koillis-USAssa on ollut aika myrskyisää.

  2. Upeita maisemia! Ja lunta...täällä ei ole juuri lainkaan, vaikka kalenterin mukaan pitäisi olla täys talvi....Ja lapsilla ihanan hauskaa!


  3. No huh! Mun mies olis ollut ihan raivoissaan etta joku menee aukomaan autonsa ovia.... tosin hanen autonsa ovet eivat ole koskaan auki. :) Ihania kuvia pulkkailusta ja maisemista. On teilla siella reteeta.

  4. Beautiful pictures! Our kids love to sled but we live where there are no hills and we don't get much snow- so when there is a little bit, people sled here by hooking them behind a 4-wheeler and pulling them!- our kids don't:) They hope for a trip to the mountains each year to sled!
    We are headed into some bitter cold- they are predicting -30 wind chill by tomorrow evening and no snow:(

  5. Beautiful pictures and looks like loads of fun!
    We don't hills where we live so when we do get a little bit of snow, people hook sleds behind 4 wheelers and pull them around (our kids don't get to do this they always hope for a mountain trip to sled each year!)
    We are headed for bitter cold weather- they are saying -30 wind chill by tomorrow evening but no snow:(

  6. Nurkkalintu, kiitos! Me olemme sen verran pohjoisessa, että säästyimme tuolta myrskyltä, mutta nyt sataa vettä ja huomiseksi luvattu vettä ja jäätä :-(

    Pirkko, todella harmi, ettei Suomeen ole tullut kunnon talvea!! Täällä on kyllä lunta ja pakkasta riittänyt. Toivomme vain ettei sade tällä hetkellä vie meidän lumet...

    Ina, olen lukinnut ovet tuon jälkeen :-D

    Brrrr, Gayly!!! That is cold! It warmed up here a bit, but there is plenty of cold to still go around:)

  7. Great story! Great pictures and hill too. I keep saying if we ever move there must be a hill and a fireplace involved! We have tons of snow but no hill! If the roads clear a bit and we can get there we go to a friends house. Little Miss is just adorable btw!! :)

  8. Thanks, Sharron! It was such a funny thing to experience:) Now our sledding hill is pure ice :( But I'm sure there will be more snow!
