Monday, June 29, 2015

Maine and Off Again

Our two work weeks in Maine have come to an end. We got a lot done - not everything we had hoped, but a lot nevertheless.

(Having six out of seven family members taking turns being sick didn't help. And yes, I am aware of the statistics, and praying like crazy I don't get this cold everyone else has had.)

A few nights ago I had an errand to run into town, so I grabbed Mr A with his learner's permit, and Little Miss to photograph, as I knew the lupines were blooming. I had Mr A practice stopping several times so I could get out of the car to snap a shot. By the end of the drive he was really good at stopping quickly!:)

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One of the jobs the kids had at the camp was to put a trampoline out in the water. Such a rough job!! I think everyone had a miserable time with this one {wink}.

(We look forward to August and getting on the trampoline, again!)

We are in a strange parenting phase right now. I am packing up a suitcase (below) for our trip to China, and have added diapers and formula in my bag, yet our boys took off on their own. They took our car, and off they went on adventures. Two flew Washington DC to attend camp, one flew to Florida to go on a mission's trip with our Florida youth group.

It was a very quiet day at our camp the next day....

Don't forget our project to fill a suitcase for New Day Foster Home!!

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The Captain, our girls and I packed up the Mothership, and we are off again. Stay tuned for new blog posts on our summer adventures!


Siivousviikot Mainen mökillä päättyivät, ja taas lähdettiin matkaan. Pojat lähtivät autolla, ja kaksi suuntasivat lentäen leirille Washington DC:een, ja yksi lensi Floridaan, ja on lähdössä lähetystyöreissulle kirkkomme nuorten kanssa. Samalla minä pakkasin vaippoja ja korviketta Kiinan matkalaukkuun, on tämä vaan outo vaihe lasten kasvattamisessa...

Laitoin kuvia lupiineista, Mainen alkukesä on niin kaunis! Lapset laittoivat veteen trampoliinin myös, elokuussa sitten kunnolla kokeilemaan.

Seikkailut jatkuvat siis!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Let's Fill a Suitcase for New Day Foster Home/Matkalaukkuprojekti!

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Every day we get closer to bringing Mei Mei home from China. (Those of you who are familiar with the adoption lingo, we are expecting our Article 5 pick-up any day now, and Travel Approvals have been coming fairly fast.) We most likely will might be traveling next month!!

As we have been getting ready for our trip, I realized there is a wonderful opportunity to help, to do something special for the precious little ones in China. Our family is so excited about this, and hope YOU will participate with us!


Have you heard of the New Day Foster Home in China? 

Yes, they are a foster home, or rather, several foster homes in China, taking in special need orphans, loving them and providing for all their needs. Their website says:

"Bringing Hope to the Hopeless and the Fatherless Home."

Alleviating the pain and suffering of Chinese orphans born with physical handicaps by providing for their every physical, mental and spiritual need, we give these children a future and a hope while they wait for their very own loving family.

With loyal supporters, a dedicated staff, and caring volunteers, New Day Foster Home's core mission of providing life-saving surgeries and a loving home to orphans with special needs from around China continues to transform lives. Since its founding in October 2000, New Day Foster Home has expanded its programs to reach more children living in government institutions across the country through outreach work like the Formula Project and other initiatives. Every child deserves a healthy start and to know the love of a family, and our work makes these dreams a reality for hundreds of children.

We believe that love makes a difference, and we invite you to join us on this journey of hope.

Here is a film about New Hope Foster Home, made by 60 Minutes producer Johnny Drimmer.

And so, Our Mothership Adventures readers, family and friends all have an opportunity to help New Day Foster Home in Beijing. There are items needed from United States, and since we are traveling to Beijing, we can fill a suitcase for New Day Foster Home, and bring them much needed supplies!

Here is a list of items needed. A list that has medical supplies, formula, and pre-school items like paint with water books. We would love to have you participate!!

What YOU can do, is send us any of these items, and we'll pack them, and take them to China. Or you can shop online and have the items shipped to us. Or, you can send us a donation (small or great), and we will purchase the items, pack them, and take them to New Day Foster Home.

New Day North, their Inner Mongolia branch, has an Amazon Wishlist of things that they'd love for their kiddos. We can bring items to New Day Beijing, and they will ship the items to New Day North - easy peasy!

Leave us a comment, send an email, or contact us on Facebook, and let's get started! (Friends and family, do check first where to send items, we tend to be on the move...)

**** This would be a wonderful way to get children involved too. Families, clubs, co-ops, Bible studies.. No amount of help is too small!!

PS. There are other ways to help New Day Foster Home, as well. You can give donations directly to them, and/or sponsor their children. Read more here.


Kiinan matka lähestyy... Pian saamme Mei Mein syliimme! Meillä ei ole tarkkoja päiviä vielä, mutta on mahdollista, että matkustamme jo ensi kuussa! Aiomme ottaa mukaan ylimääräisen matkalaukun, ja viedä sen mukanamme New Day Foster Home-lastenkotiin Pekingiin, jossa hoidetaan erityistarpeisia lapsia. Tästä linkistä löytyy lisää tietoa heistä, ja mitä he tarvitsevat. Voisitko sinäkin auttaa? Tämä olisi upea keino lastenkin auttaa.. Mikään määrä ei ole liian pieni. Meille voi lähettää lahjoituksen, tai lähettää tarvikkeita, ja me otamme ne mukaan, ja viemme lastenkotiin. Tule mukaan Our Mothership Adventures-projektiin auttamaan pikkuisia Kiinassa!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Happy Father's Day!!

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(This shirt is for you, Grandpa!!!)

"The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him."
Proverbs 23:24

Friday, June 19, 2015

Work Camp/Työleiri

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It has been good to be back at our Maine camp. We all love it here. When we get here in June, we know what waits for us.


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We rent our camp for a few weeks every summer, and before renters come, there's always a lot of work to do.

Good thing we have a hardworking crew!

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The temperature change from Florida to Maine was quite a shock to our systems. First Little Miss woke up with a cold, then Missy. Mr A was next, then Mr D. Yesterday morning Mr T woke up feeling sniffly. As much as we wanted to see our friends, we chose not to share, and had church at home - streaming our Florida church service!

Another week (or so) of work camp remains, then we'll move our crew to the next work camp fun destination(s)!


Meidän kesäkuut ovat työleirejä. Olemme täällä valmistelemassa Mainen kotiamme vuokrakuntoon. Työtä riittää isommallekin porukalle. Vähän on tahtia hidastanut kesäflunssa, joka on nyt kiertänyt kaikkien lasten läpi. Noin viikko vielä täällä, sitten suuntaamme seuraavalle työleirille:)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

More RV Travel Photos/Lisää matkakuvia

Traveling in a motorhome is a lot of fun!

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Dinner in the Mothership, this particular night a Publix meal:)

And yes, we eat in shifts. And on the road use paper products.

Something new this year: Mr D followed us in our car behind the Mothership! In the beginning I sat with him, and a couple of times took over driving (so he could do math, or get a break), but for a good part of the trip he drove on his own! Mr T kept him company.

Doing the dance. Our Airstream RV is narrow inside, and requires special moves as people go back and forth.

Little Miss lost another tooth during our trip! It took the Tooth Fairy a few nights to catch up with us... Poor girl was covered in bug bites. No-see-um bugs came right through our window screens, and tormented us for two nights.

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Once we got to New England we had a pit stop at friends' house. Yummy Finnish pancakes and coffee waited us. And clothes and toys for Mei Mei! Thanks so much, Ina and family!!! Great pit stop, although of course too short...

Our last stop was at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and that, too, was very short! We loaded up the Mothership while there, and continued driving north...

.... we made it! From Florida to our camp in Maine.

Thankful for traveling mercies.


Matka Floridasta pohjoiseen meni hyvin. Tällä kertaa uutta oli Mr D:n ajaminen! Hän ajoi autoamme asuntoauton perässä, melkein koko matkan. Pari kertaa minä ajoin, ja alussa olin vieressä, mutta loppuajan Mr T piti uudelle kuskillemme seuraa, ja he ajoivat Maineen asti.

Meillä oli Uudessa Englannissa kaksi pikaista pysäkkiä, Inan luona yksi, ja Kapteenin vanhempien luona toinen. Ina tarjoili meille lättyjä, teetä ja kahvia, ja saimme mukaamme Mei Meille vaatteita ja leluja. Kiitos, Ina! Oli ihana nähdä sinua ja perhettäsi! Kapteenin vanhempien luona yövyimme yhden yön, pikaisesti näimme isovanhempia, sekä serkkuja ja Kapteenin siskon, täytimme asuntoauton täyteen kamaa, ja jatkoimme matkaa pohjoiseen.

Perillä Mainessä!
Kiitollisina Taivaan Isälle turvallisesta matkasta!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Fun Pennsylvania Stop/Pysäkki Pennsylvaniassa

On our way up north we took a little detour to visit friends. It had been two years (!!) since our last visit together, so it was very special to see the M family.

Their family had grown by two cute bunnies, and the little girls took very good care of Snowflake and Snowball.

The big kids, on the other hand...

.....had different interests....

Everyone agreed - we had a fun, fantastic stop in Pennsylvania!

Thank you so much for your hospitality, our Pennsylvania peeps:)


Matkalla pohjoiseen pysähdyimme Pennsylvaniassa ystäviemme luona. Viime näkemisestä onkin kaksi vuotta, ja oli ihana nähdä pitkästä aikaa. Pikkutytöt viihtyivät pupujen seurassa, teineillä taas oli omat kiinnostuksensa.. Mutta meillä kaikilla oli hauskaa yhdessä:)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sebastian Inlet State Park

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Before we left Florida, we stayed at the Sebastian Inlet State Park on the east coast.

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We only stayed one night, so our explorations were limited, but we thought it was a nice state park, with a lot to do. After seeing the ocean conditions sign, we decided not to swim: rough surf, rip current, jellyfish, shark warning, and no lifeguard! (No thanks!!)

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The RV campsites were close together with little privacy, but it was a clean, quiet park, at least when we were there. The shower facilities were fine - I wouldn't give them a five star rating, but there were no major complaints.

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This was a good breather for us. We had had several days of transition chaos, organizing, packing, cleaning, last minute errands and needs. Once we parked, all we needed to do was catch our breath and get a dinner going in the crockpot.

We would have enjoyed our stay at the park longer if there hadn't been these little bugs! No-see-um's? They came right through our window screens, and feasted on us all night. Ugh!!

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Before the bugs appeared, the Captain and I took a sunset walk around the park. It was breathtakingly beautiful! Our last night in Florida.



Ennen kuin lähdimme Floridasta vietimme viimeisen yön yhdellä osavaltion leirintäalueella. Kaoottisten lähtöpäivien jälkeen oli hyvä pysähtää hetkeksi. Tosin pikkuruiset ötökät tulivat ikkunaverkkojen läpi asuntoauton sisälle, ja kiusasivat meitä kaikkia. Kaunis leirintäalue meren rannalla (emme uineet, koska varoitettiin mm. haista!), ja haikea lähteä Floridasta pohjoiseen..