Thursday, June 17, 2010


We have done it again. Instead of the slow unhurried trip, making stops here and there, enjoying the journey, we are racing across country, barely making time for driver pit stops. It is only our third time doing this in a year. Every time we say: "Next trip we'll surely do it different!" (Yeah, right.)
The redeeming part of this trip is we got to stay at my sister's house for a brief visit (thanks for the meals, showers, bedding, laundry & the great company!). We miss you already!!!

I think my Twitter updates from the last two days will nicely sum up our travels:

Mad packing and cleaning!!! @jforbush Yes, we start our journey North today - in the Mothership! Where did all this STUFF come from??? Uh-oh, are we having some RV issues?? Air conditioner quit, what else??

Mothership loaded and we are finally ready to go. Even A/C works. My kids say they are suffering from scrub-itis :) I am wiped beyond being wiped. Fortunately my trusty crockpot is making dinner for us. Rusty at mothershipping: forgot the crockpot liner & had to use our precious water for dishes (at Publix parking lot). Little Miss says: "Come on, Daddy, let's get a move on!" Ready to leave Publix, getting back on the road - still in FL.. In Georgia! Woke up in South Carolina! Headed to see my sister & her family tonight!! Maybe even new niece?? Come on, Sis - great day to give birth ;-) I am the Mothership Stewardess! Btw, Sis - we all need showers and your washing machine. I know we just left yesterday, but there's 7 of us! In North Carolina with 7 hrs of driving until we get to my sister's house! (Hopefully our SuperDriver doesn't need too many stops!) Office on wheels: SuperDriver is also troubleshooting customer issues. Taking a break in NC, pic 1: Pic 2:

Pic 3: Stuck in traffic south of Virginia border. In Virginia, traffic is moving again, but heavy rain! Kids r getting weary of traveling. I told if we hopped out of the RV & started walking it would take us 19 hrs (gotta love the iPhone gps). Little Miss has had it: she keeps yelling: "Boring, boring, boring!" at the top of her lungs. WooHoo, we are in Maryland!!' Almost to my sister's!!! Today I am a traveling personal secretary.

My Twitter handle is 5ennie, if you'd like to follow my tweets, click here.


Lähdimme matkaan tiistai-iltapäivällä, kaahaten hullun lailla (taas) läpi Amerikan itärannikkoa. Yllä Twitter-päivitykset viimeisiltä päiviltä.


  1. Love your header and title. I like your post being twitter updates. Cool. Happy Trails to you all. My husband and I are camp hosting in Morro Bay, California presently. Come visit when you have a few minutes. The Camp Host Housewife

  2. Glad you got there safely! We just got home last night. We had a great time, but man is it HOT down there!! I'll stick with IN for living I think and keep my southern vacations for spring and fall. I'm a wimp!!

  3. Oh, One Acre Follies is the Cox's. Cameron set up a blog for us, although we haven't done a whole lot with it yet.

  4. Eija, eikä ole tahti hidastunut kotonakaan..

    Thank you, Levonne! I enjoyed visiting your blog also.

    Sharron, it looks great!!!! Congrats on your new blog :)
