Friday, July 27, 2012

First Grade Curriculum/Ekaluokkaisen koulumateriaali


After much agonizing thought and review we settled on the kindergarten/first grade book bundle from Critical Thinking Company for Little Miss (age 6). And the much anticipated box arrived today for our Miss Sunshine (Missy's old shirt).

Little Miss could not wait to dig into her box! It was quite heavy, and as we opened it, the books seemed thicker and bigger than expected, almost overwhelmingly so. Two thoughts from mom:
- yikes! what have we gotten ourselves into?
- do we have to haul all these books all over the country as we travel??

But I'm glad I didn't say anything out loud as Little Miss opened her first book, and wanted to get going. At one sitting she finished 23 (yes, twenty-three!!!!) pages of Mathematical Reasoning Level A book, moved onto Mind Benders Book 2, completed four puzzles (and would have kept going if mom hadn't needed a break). She also did the first page of Thinker Doodles A1, started on page 2, and started on the first assignment of Half'n Half Animals A1. She probably would have continued ever more, but it was time for mom and dad to go for a walk, so we decided to take a break.

Little Miss obviously loves her new books! Which makes mom pretty excited, too. These school books are nothing like what I have been exposed to before (we didn't start homeschooling until our older kids were in 5th grade), and I have to say - I'm in love with our first grade curriculum ((swoon)). Yes, traveling with all these books will be a pain, but at least the older kids' schooling is on their computers (AOP Monarch).

We are also planning to use The Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum Kit and various other resources for first grade (Atelier Art, Starfall, Bob books etc.), and plan to review some of these on the blog as well, later on. We'll continues our weekly library visits, daily book readings and daily outside activities as well. Oh, and there are also three sets of manipulatives recommended to be purchased with this book bundle, which we also got. Some were cheaper on Amazon ;-)

We were not given any of the books or any discounts of this material for review purposes, we are just so excited with it we wanted to share with you all. I'm sure there will be a half year review again, at some point.

If you haven't read our page on homeschooling, I should mention that being excited about a homeschool curriculum is totally a God-thing. I never wanted to homeschool, and even though this will be our fourth year, there is still a big part of me who is moaning and groaning about the whole thing. I am very thankful there are such great curricula available even for moms like me, who got into homeschooling kicking and screaming very somewhat reluctantly.

I am joining Collage Friday with Mary at Homegrown Learners and Hip Homeschool Hop with this post. Click the buttons for other entries.

Homegrown Learners

Hip Homeschool Hop Button


Pikkuneidin ekaluokan kotikoulumateriaali saapui tänään, ja me olemme molemmat ihan seitsemännessä taivaassa! Pikkuneiti teki yhdellä istumalla noin 30 sivua eri kirjoista, ja olisi jatkanut jos opettaja ei olisi lähtenyt kävelylle. 

Aika painava pino kirjoja, mikä ei ole kovin kätevää meille matkaajille, mutta niin Pikkuneiti kuin opettajakin tykkäsi materiaalista niin paljon, että ehdottomasti pidämme tämän oppimateriaalin.

Meille ei maksettu postauksen kirjauksesta tai annettu mitään alennuksia, tein postauksen ihan omasta innostuksestamme:) Mikä sekin on ihan Jumalan ihme, koska minä en koskaan halunnut aloittaa kotikoulun pitoa - se vain toimii meidän nomadielämällemme..


  1. Wau mikä mahtava kirjapaketti! Ei me täällä suomessa voida haaveillakaan tuollaisista, valikoima on todella suppea eikä mistään mitään valmiita paketteja saa ostettua.

    Kylläpä Anna on ahkera tyttö tekemään tehtäviä! Innokkaita tosin näyttää nuo omatkin olevan, tuleva eskarilainenkin tekisi varmaan yhden kirjan päivässä jos ei vähän toppuuttelis ja ohjais muihin puuhiin välissä =)

    Mukavia kotikouluhetkiä!


  2. I love the way you're so honest about your reluctance to homeschool. I think we all are (at least I know I am very reluctant at certain times!)

    I'm so glad Little Miss loves her books... I've seen stuff from The Critical Thinking Company and wondered what it was like.

    Happy start of school! -- and thanks for linking!

  3. Oh, how nice! She seems quite happy with her books! You too! It will make for a fun, interesting year!

  4. exciting! i too fear the overwhelming adventure of homeschooling... and all of its books & supplies... but you make it look so doable, and even fun! thanks for the encouragement!

  5. Tanja, olen kyllä niin kiitollinen kaikista resursseista, mitä meillä täällä on saatavilla. Ja kirjat paljon edullisempia kuin Suomessa.. Ihanan innokkaita nämä pienet koululaiset:)

    Thanks, Mary. I sometimes feel like an outsider in the homeschool community, especially when I hear other moms say how they always wanted to homeschool, or how much they love it. I do realize there is room for us all, even reluctant ones like me:) Homeschooling works great for us, and I am thankful we decided to try:)

    Jessy, after posting I went through all the books, and the LA ones makes me tremble a bit. At least I have my older kids to help, lol.

    jdavis2, it is overwhelming... But if I can do it, anyone can :-D Thanks for the comment<3
