Monday, August 19, 2013

Family Hiking in Maine/Perhepatikointia


We love hiking. The Captain proposed to me on top on Mount Monadnock on a foggy day, and the fog was a good thing, as I had never gone on a hike that length (or height!) before, and would have likely chickened out, if I had seen the mountain looming up ahead. (The proposal was a very good thing, too:)

And, where would we be now, if I hadn't made it to the top of the mountain?


Yesterday we did about a four mile hike on the Appalachian Trail. It was a bit more challenging as we had originally thought (after finding this hike under the 'easy hikes' section). Next time we'll be prepared with hiking boots for all - the kids keep outgrowing theirs, and we can't keep up. (Sheesh!)

The Maine portion of the Appalachian trail is 281 miles. It is considered one of the most challenging states to hike through (we didn't know that yesterday). Most of the people we saw yesterday were day hikers, like us, but we did meet a couple of more ripe serious hikers with their beards and heavy gear packs.


Talking of not being able to keep up, the Captain and I bravely held up the rear, as our five children skipped and hopped along ahead of us.

Actually, officially, we stopped to take photos, that's why it took us longer to hike. (Wink)

We had a beautiful August day for hiking. Temperatures were in the low 70's, and it was so clear and cool in the woods.


See? Not all of the trail was easy. I had to stop to take photos, a lot.


Us girls!


There are so many trails in Maine for all types of hikers. The easy and moderate hikes are perfect for families. Google the area you want to find a hike in, and you'll find quite a few to choose from, most likely. We used to look for our hike.


Here's most of our hiking crew yesterday!

It has grown quite a bit since that one foggy September day in New Hampshire.


Lähdimme eilen metsään patikoimaan. Tarkoitus oli tehdä noin kuuden kilometrin helppo reitti Appalachian-reitillä. Helppo se ei ollut, mutta selvisimme sentään, ja kivaa meillä oli. Ensi kerralla pitää vaan löytää jokaiselle vaelluskengät (taas oli liian pienet pojille ja Pikkuneidille!).

Perheemme tykkää patikoimisesta. Kapteeni kosi minua Mount Monadnock-vuoren huipulla sumuisena syksypäivänä, ja oli hyvä, etten nähnyt kuinka korkea vuori oli, sillä en ollut ennen kiivennyt niin korkealle. Ja jos olisin antanut periksi, niin missä sitä nyt oltaisiin??


  1. LUV these!!!! It's so hot here in the desert and it looks so much cooler in those (gorgeous) pics!

  2. What a beautiful place to hike!

  3. Thank you, Heidi and Nancy!! It is so beautiful up here. We are enjoying the cool before heading to Florida:)

  4. Looks like an awesome hike. I have been on the trail a few times but never that far north!

  5. Gayly, such a neat trail, spanning many states!!

  6. Looks like a great hike! Our family loves to hike. It's such a great activity for large families that doesn't cost a lot of money. Our children really enjoy it. Especially if we go off trail for a bit and let them explore freely!
