Saturday, January 24, 2015


Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

My sister's baby number five is due any day now.

Two big brothers and two big sisters are waiting for little baby.

According to the ultrasound, it's another baby sister!

It's a busy, love-filled household.

Little Miss, Mr T and I are waiting here, too.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

So exciting!

And as we are waiting, we are filling our days with love and laughter, breaking up fights, wiping messes, playing, working and schooling.

Thankful for all our blessings!


Täällä Virginiassa odotetaan. Odotetaan siskoni viidettä vauvaa syntyväksi. Äiti, isä, kaksi isoveljeä ja kaksi isosiskoa odottavat pikkusiskoa, kuin myös täti ja kaksi serkkua:) Ja odottaessa riittää iloa ja onnea, siivoamista, tappelujen selvittämistä, leikkimistä, töitä ja koulua.

Kiitollisina kaikista siunauksistamme!


  1. So sweet! Beautiful pictures...I remember the days of waiting for our number 5 as well. She was 14 days late and we all felt like she'd never come out! ;) I like the idea of tying something around the belly. I'll have to try that when I get too "heavy." :)

  2. Thank you, Heidi! Yes, my sis says the wrap helps a lot. I hope she doesn't go 14 days past due date, I'm not sure I can stay that long, lol. I hope you are feeling better now!

  3. My thoughts are with Saina and you all. She is such a beautiful woman - in and out.

  4. Thank you, Jutta! I so agree <3

  5. Toivotaan etta vauva paatta tulla maailmaan pian niin etta tati paasee kuvailemaan pienia varpaita ja katosia. :)

  6. Ina, niitä varpaita ja kätösiä olikin vaikea kuvata!! En olisi uskonut...
