Thursday, February 26, 2015

Florida Love

We have been busy homeschooling and working in Florida.

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Living in our Mothership, at a campground. (Where wifi really does not work, and we've maxed out our cell phone data plan, too.)

Taking little trips to local beaches and parks.

On Sunday we'll actually move into a rental for a few months.

As much as we love the Mothership, when we are stationary, it gets pretty tight in there:)

While Mr T is still staying in Virginia, our family will soon have three boys again - my nephew A from Finland is coming soon (not that he is a boy anymore, although an aunt can think so, right?)! So exciting!


Pienet terkut Floridasta! Olemme asuneet leirintäalueella, jossa internet ei ole toiminut. Sunnuntaina muutamme vuokra-asuntoon, ehkä sieltä saa postattua useammin:) Lisätilakin tulee tarpeen, kohta meillä on taas kolme poikaa, kun siskonpoikani (aikuinen jo:) saapuu Suomesta! Tässä kuvia sillä välin.

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