It may appear like Our Mothership Adventures has been sleeping. So sorry for the radio silence. All is well here. In fact, we've been quite busy!

We are now longer at the campground, and really enjoy having real beds and a real kitchen and a laundry room. And internet! Yes, we love the Mothership - for traveling. When stationary, a house is preferable.

Grandma and Grandpa drove down from Maine to Florida about two weeks ago. They are staying at (the same!) campground we were at. We love having them here in Florida, and spending time together!
About a week ago my nephew arrived from Finland, and is settling into our strange life:)

On other news: Missy got braces! And is as gorgeous as ever!

In addition to homeschooling, mama has been studying as well - photography! Taking a new class, trying to learn Photoshop, and starting another class on Monday.

Little Miss lost a tooth.

And grew again! She turned 9 this week!

We had a fun time celebrating Little Miss with family around.
Florida in March is a good place to be:)
Tällaiset kuvaterkut tällä kertaa:) Asumme taas oikeassa talossa, asuntoauto on itse asiassa parhaillaan korjattavana, ja päädyimme siihen tulokseen, että asuntoautossa on kiva matkustaa, mutta kun olemme paikoillamme, tarvitsemme enemmän tilaa. Ja onneksi saimmekin, isovanhemmat Mainestä tulivat noin kaksi viikkoa sitten (tosin yöpyvät asuntoautossaan leirintäalueella), ja siskonpoikani saapui Suomesta viikko sitten. Arkeen kuuluu kotikoulua, valokuvausta (uusia kursseja), yhdessäoloa. Missy sai raudat! Ja Pikkuneidiltä lähti hammas samalla viikolla, kun hän täytti yhdeksän vuotta. Paljon terkkuja lämpimästä Floridasta!!
I love the little catch up! Sounds like FL is awesome! My hubby has meeting on the coast in late summer and we are hoping to join him... it's been a long time since we wiggled our toes in the sand!
ReplyDeleteGayly, I hope you can go!!!! We sure are enjoying the beach..