Sunday, November 1, 2015

Florida Fall/Syksyä Floridassa

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While fall might not be as spectacular in Florida as it is in New England, we so have enjoyed the cooler temperatures, and different fall festivities. We visited a pumpkin patch one morning with other homeschool families.

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Some of us attended a Trunk or Treat festival at a local church this week. We had a fun time with friends and dressing up. Mei Mei always loves going out, and celebrates with enthusiasm. She loves to wave 'hi' to people, and she loves music and dancing.

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The Captain took a quick trip to Maine, and returned with the Mothership - we hope to go on some smaller adventures soon. As soon the Captain arrived, Mr T and Mr D did go on a new adventure, the two of them flew to Kentucky for few a days!

For a family that usually goes where the wind blows, it sure has been an adjustment to live by the calendar....!! It's only for a season, right???

School fills up a big part of our days. The little girls love going to the library, and big kids often do, too, especially Mr D.


What would be fall without pies? We have made apple and pumpkin pies so far (Mr A took the picture above, and I just love having one of the boys half way into the freezer in it, haha!)

So far Mei Mei has not been a big fan of the pies, but she sure loves the ice cream that often gets served along the pie.

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Even princesses make sure to take good care of their teeth! Earlier in October Little Miss got braces, and this week Missy had to have oral surgery to expose a stubborn tooth that wouldn't come down on its' own.

Mei Mei goes in for her palate repair surgery later this month, too, and Mr T needs wisdom teeth surgery, but he is going to wait a bit, since he isn't in pain at the moment.

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While our foliage here in Florida may not be as brilliant as up north, going to the beach in October and November is pretty awesome:) No complaints!!!


Kaikenlaista syystouhua on ollut ilmassa täällä Floridassa. Ruska ei tietenkään ole niin upea täällä, mutta onneksi ilmat alkavat viilentyä jonkin verran, ja ulkona on ollut kiva olla. Yksi iso paikallinen kirkko järjesti monenlaista syystapahtumaa lapsille: kävimme 'kurpitsapellolla' muiden kotikoululaisten kanssa, ja naamiaistapahtumassa myös.

Koulua käymme ahkerasti, ja lempipaikkoja vierailla viikottain ovat kirjasto ja merenranta - tätä ihanaa Floridan syksy-ja talvielämistä, kun saa mennä rannalle koska vain!

Tämä syksy on ollut oikea hampaiden syksy meille. Pikkuneiti sai raudat lokakuussa, ja perjantaina Missylle tehtiin operaatiota, kun yksi rautahampaista ei suostunut laskeutumaan itsekseen. Nyt marraskuussa on tulossa Mei Mein leikkaus myös, ja vielä Mr T:kin tarvitsisi viisaudenhampaiden poistoa, mutta sen jätämme vähän myöhemmälle.

Kapteeni kävi hakemassa Mothership-asuntoauton Mainestä, ja kun hän tuli kotiin, Mr T ja Mr D suuntasivat Kentuckyyn, tarkasti pitää elää kalenterin kanssa täällä, mutta eiköhän meidän villi ja vapaa arkemme joku päivä tule takaisin taas... :-)

1 comment:

  1. I saw the pictures of the Mothership arriving and I was a bit disappointed as you mentioned at some point that you would come up north as well to pick it up. Now I didn't get to see you! SNIF! Miss you girl! Love all the photos as always. It's fun to see Mei Mei experiencing life full on with enthusiasm. And with a smile! It's so catching!
