Monday, February 29, 2016

Beach Moments/Rantahetkiä

We love living near the ocean. There is something so soothing and calming to be able to go and breathe the salty sea air, watch the waves roll in, and feel the sand between your bare toes.

Especially in February.

After growing up in Finland and then living in New England for many many years, we don't take our February beach walks for granted.

There is such delight each time. (Even after falling in the cold water and getting soaked.)

On one of our walks we spotted dark shapes in the water... Manatees!!!

Chasing birds is always fun. And being carried by daddy.

We sometimes go and pick up some fresh orange juice, too.



Näitä ihania rantahetkiä on pakko kuvata ja laittaa blogiin. Vaikka välillä olisi kuinka hektisiä päiviä, näistä pikkureissuista saa niin paljon. Kiitos Taivaan Isälle siunauksistaan!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Across the Country/Maan halki

This first photo is from La Jolla Cove in San Diego, California. We are back in Florida now, but here are a few more pictures from our trip.


San Diego Zoo.

Then back to traveling across this vast country.

And homecoming.

Sweet, sweet joy of seeing daddy and Mr A again (and Missy, Mr D and Mr T the next day, as we got home very late).


After being gone almost two months we dove right into busy activities. Missy had a Rubik's Cube Competion (so much fun!!!). Mr. T flew to a debate competition (he did great!!). Little Miss and I started school again. All teens have had an insane dual enrollment schedule at the local college. And we all (except Missy and the Captain) got nasty colds that we are still recovering from.

I have a few more pictures to post from the beach, but I think I will post them in a separate post (we finally were able to take my mom to the beach and saw manatees... Stay tuned!).


Olemme olleet Floridassa jo kaksi viikkoa, aika rientää. Tässä vielä kuvia San Diegosta, paluusta Floridaan, ja yksi kuva Missyn Rubiikinkuutiokisasta. Aika hurjasti oli touhua kotiintulon jälkeen, kun olimme olleet poissa melkein kaksi kuukautta. Nyt onneksi jo helpottaa tiukka ohjelma, ainakin pikkutytöillä ja minulla, mutta nyt sitten podetaankin oikein kunnon flunssaa. (Mutta onneksi ei sen vakavampaa!) Rantsukuvia seuraavassa postauksessa, pääsi mummakin vihdoin rannalle:)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Mei Mei Meets More Family/Lisää perhettä Mei Meille

From Maine it was time to head south. Southwest, that is! Little Miss, Mei Mei and mama traveled to San Diego for Mei Mei to meet more of her family. The Captain returned to Florida, where our teens were waiting with my mom (from Finland).

Cousin L seeing Little Miss after nine months (last time we saw my sister's family).

Mei Mei has had so much fun with her cousins! Little Miss, too, but she has been so busy and out of sight I haven't caught many photos of her ;-) Little Miss plays with her cousins B and N, and bunch of the neighborhood kids, too.

Mei Mei's cousin C is only about seven months older than her, and these two instantly became best buddies (when they aren't fighting for the same toy:)

On Friday my mom flew here, too! She met both Mei Mei and cousin L for the first time! It had been three years since our mom's last visit....

And this sweetie turned one! If you've followed our blog you know Little Miss and I were at my sister's when L was born a year ago (link here to the story of L's fast home birth).

Here's a picture of all the cousins together. Never a quiet dull moment here!

While in San Diego, we got to celebrate meeting Mei Mei in China six months ago! It is hard to believe it has only been six months, it feels like she has been a part of our family forever...


Terveisiä San Diegosta! Mainestä lensimme tänne Kaliforniaan siskon luokse. Mei Mei tapasi siskoni perheen ensimmäistä kertaa, ja kyllä serkuilla on ollut ihanaa! Varsinkin 3-vuotiaalla C:llä ja 2.5-vuotiaalla Mei Meillä (silloin kun eivät tappele leluista, heh).

Perjantaina äitini lensi Floridasta tänne myös, ja tapasi ensimmäistä kertaa Mei Mein ja pikkuisen L:n. Olemme viettäneet L:n ensimmäistä syntymäpäivää, ja kuusi kuukautta Mei Mein tapaamisesta Kiinassa!