Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The Captain took this cool photo of The Mothership using a periscope at The Submarine Force Museum and his iPhone. It was our first family RV trip and we drove around New England, one of the stops being Groton, CT. (Definitely an interesting stop, and worth seeing if you are in the area!)

During that first trip we kept three lists going:
- items to get from home for the RV
- items to buy for the RV
- things to do for the next trip

As we are planning this upcoming trip (which will begin in about a week and half!!! Where's the paperbag????), we have another set of three loooong lists going:
- things to do before we leave (the longest list)
- things to find/purchase before we leave
- things to pack (trying to keep this from becoming the longest)

Most of our planning so far has been brainstorming and the list-making, but we have been able to cross some things off, slowly.. One of the challenges is I can't remember what we have in the RV! Next time I will either make inventory lists of what we leave behind, or take pictures of closets, cupboards and drawers...

Here are (some of) the piles of laundry I washed the first days we were home from our Fall trip. As I looked at this picture I realized our camping towels came home with us! Which means I have to go find them before we leave... Also, a note self: remember Shout-stain remover this time. Maybe look through all the trip pictures too.

It is a lot of work to get ready for a trip, especially for a longer one with a large family. Then there is work and school to 'pack along' too. And as our lists of things to pack grow longer and longer, we remember we have a long drive ahead of us squeezed in our GMC before we even get to The Mothership...

... but all that is worth doing and going through when we know what is awaiting us in Florida!

Little Miss at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Key Largo last year (another great place to visit!).

Our Mothership and fun adventures with our family. Priceless!!!


Meillä on suunnitelmissa lähtö jo noin puolentoista viikon kuluttua. Normaaliin arkeen on lisätty matkan suunnittelua, listojen tekemistä, tarvikkeiden hankkimista. Pisin lista on 'mitä pitää tehdä ennen lähtöä', ja toiseksi pisimmäksi yltää 'mitä pakata mukaan'. Paljon työtä kun lähtee pidemmälle reissulle ison perheen kanssa! Olisi kiva, jos muistaisi mitä kaikkea jätin asuntoautoon... Pyykkikuvasta yllä näkee, että ainakin toin kotiin leiripyyhkeemme, eli nyt pitää löytää mihin ne olen piilottanut.. Kaikki vaiva ja työ kuitenkin matkan arvoista, on ihana lähteä seikkailemaan Mothership-asuntoautollamme perheen kanssa!

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