Saturday, January 29, 2011

Time With Cousins/Serkkujen seurassa

We had a quick, but a super sweet visit from our three (New England) cousins, and Grandma & Grandpa yesterday and today. Every minute was full of fun and activities. It is special to watch how eight kids from age 4 to 12 get along so beautifully!

There was a lot of ice skating, and...

... some more ice skating, and...

... a bit more ice skating :)

But also sledding, some snow ball throwing, a big screen movie (Veggie Tales: "It's A Meaningful Life"), and some crafts. Best of all, time with each other!


Meillä oli lyhyt, mutta mukava vierailu kun Uuden Englannin serkkumme tulivat meille isovanhempien kanssa. Kahdeksan lasta ikähaitarilla 4-12 ja leikit sujuivat loistavasti. Luistelu oli yksi viikonlopun kohokohdista, mutta muutenkin lumessa leikkiminen, elokuvailta ja tämän päivän askartelut. Parasta kuitenkin: yhdessäolo!!

Linking to Sunday Snapshot:

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Looks fun! What is the ratio of boys to girls? We always have issues because there are more girls and they are older and don't want to include the boy.

  2. That does sound tricky! All the cousins are girls (ages 12.5, almost 11 & 8 - if I remember correctly), so we do have more girls than boys too. This time the oldest cousin spent quite a bit of time with one of my boys (at a time), or they all played in the snow together. But it does help that there are 3 boys...

  3. Sounds like a great day!
    I wonder where in New England? We're wayyyy up there, too :)

  4. I saw that on your blog, Stefanie! Maybe we are neighbors :) I sent you an email!
