Mr. D is our firstborn. He is older than Missy by one minute. He is older than Mr. A by two minutes, and older than Mr. T by three minutes. (If you are new to our blog, yes, we have thirteen year old quadruplets. I know. Crazy. Moving on.) He is older than Little Miss by seven years.
He totally has the firstborn personality. He is responsible, hardworking, and organized. He has leadership qualities, also, although all our kids tend to want to lead at times, making life very interesting, to say the least. He is pretty easygoing, but has a temper when his buttons are pushed (and oh, yes, especially his brothers know where those buttons are.)

Spring has finally arrived in Maine, too, and the lake looks so delicious without the ice. Mr. D wasn't quite ready to go swimming with me a week ago, but yesterday he jumped in, also. Today he decided a quick cooling head dip was all he needed.
What a nutty, silly, wonderful firstborn I have! I love you, Mr. D!
I am linking this post to Stefanie's Sunday Snapshot, for the first time with the new format and rules. Check her blog for more entries!
I used our Nikon D-80 to take the pics, and edited them using picmonkey (after picnik closed their doors this week - boohoo).

Mr. D on meidän esikoisemme. Hän on yhden minuutin vanhempi kuin Missy, kaksi minuuttia vanhempi kuin Mr. A, ja kolme minuuttia vanhempi kuin Mr. T. Ja seitsemän vuotta vanhempi Pikkuneitiä. Vaikka hän on yksi nelosista, Mr. D:llä on täysin esikoisen luonne. Hän on luotettava, ahkera ja organisoitunut. Hänellä on johtajankykyjäkin, mutta valitettavasti kaikki meidän lapsemme haluavat johtaa monta kertaa samaan aikaan. Hän on rento, mutta osaa myös tulistua, etenkin kun veljet taitavasti tietävät miten se onnistuu:)
Eilen Mr. D heitti talviturkkinsa järveen, tänään totesi, että riittää kun kastelee päänsä. Kaheli ihana esikoisemme - rakastan sinua!
Otan tällä postauksella osaa Sunday Snapshot-kuvablogihaasteeseen. Pikkukuvaa klikkaamalla voit käydä katsomassa muiden osallistujien kuvia myös.
You have quads? That's so cool!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the visit and comment.
And yes... the water was WAYYYY cold at the beach!
His blue eyes are awesome!
ReplyDeleteBeing a Southern gal...I doubt you could get me anywhere near that water until at least August, and even then it would be debatable! Great images of a 13 year fun to photograph that age huh? ;) Looks like your oldest truly is an awesome kid.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Sennie! Was wondering when you would jump on board with your photography skillz. :) I am too scared to, but I love looking at the pics. Great job! What a handsome young man, and I agree, the blue eyes are amazing!
ReplyDeleteHe is such a handsome young man!!!! 13- my son is now 14 & I can hardly believe how quickly it has passed by. I am absolutely impressed that you have quadruplets. I have always wanted multiples myself- since I was a little girl. They have always amazed me! What blessings!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a handsome fellow ... and the leader of the quad pack. Cool. His blue eyes remind me of the image I had posted for Earth Day:
Thank you all so much for your kind comments! It is so much fun to play with the camera and editing. I should do it more often:)
ReplyDeleteQuads! Wow. I have twins and since we were told who is older, but don't know for sure, there is an ongoing battle for the title of "first born." Our "oldest" has decided that she is two minutes older. Even that imagined two minutes bugs the heck out of our "younger."
ReplyDeleteSuch lovely pics! Too bad we couldn't connect at Easter. But we'll be back;)
ReplyDeleteKristi, thank you for your comment! I had followed your blog at some point, but lost the address. So nice to find it again!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Be Inspired! I am sure we will meet one day<3
These pictures are wonderful! You do such an incredible job. :) And what a wonderful post about your firstborn....I love it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a handsome boy :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Meredith and Mary <3 <3